Student Alumni Association

Student Alumni Association


Millersville University Student Alumni Association


The name of this organization shall be the Millersville University Student Alumni Association, hereafter referred to as MU SAA.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

1. To work for the betterment of the student body and the enrichment of alumni engagement at Millersville University;

2. To involve alumni and students in a continuing relationship with the University;

3. To create a sincere, positive feeling for undergraduates concerning this University;

4. To promote a better understanding between alumni and students.


Section 1: Members in the SAA are defined as follows:

1. Student Members – Those undergraduate members of the MU Student Ambassadors who have a desire to serve as an Ambassador and who abide by the MU SAA By-Laws.

2. Alumni Members – Those who have graduated from Millersville University and wish to participate in the SAA’s activities and those members who represent the Millersville University Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Section 2: Membership in the MU SAA shall be determined by the MU SAA. Student members shall be selected on the basis of interest, leadership and loyalty to Millersville University in promoting the ideals of the MU SAA, Millersville University Alumni Association and Millersville University.

Section 3: New student members will be accepted into the SAA as determined by the MU SAA.


Section 1: Active student member status may be conferred upon any student interested in the MU SAA provided they meet the requirements for membership as explained in Article III. With active membership comes the responsibility to: a) serve on committees (both standing and ad hoc) and b) attend all meetings, regular and special, of the general body and committees unless prevented by circumstances beyond their control. Members have the responsibility to act in a manner which will promote a positive image of the MU SAA and Millersville University. Active student members have a right to run for officers’ positions and to chair various standing committees.

Active members also have the right of voice and vote in discussions and vote in all elections and voting situations in committees on which they serve.

Section 2: Inactive student member status may be extended to any student who was an active member but is unable to fulfill the obligations of active membership due to field studies, cooperatives, internships, student teaching or absences deemed legitimate by the Executive Committee.

The inactive status will extend for no more than one academic semester. If the inactive member wishes to remain inactive, he must request an extension from the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Alumni member status shall be extended to those who meet the requirements as explained in Article III, Section 2. It is the responsibility of the alumni member to act in an advisory or supportive role. The alumni should serve as a resource and provide direction. Alumni members have the right of voice, but no vote in the general meetings of the MU Student Ambassadors and in the committee meetings to which they may be attached.

Section 4: Decisions by vote in committee meetings and at general meetings (excluding the acceptance of amendments and removal of elected officers or members) will be decided by a simple majority.


Section 1: The MU SAA shall have an Executive Committee comprised of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Alumni Director (or designee) serving as the SAA University Advisor and the MU Alumni Association advisors.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the coordination and execution of all official business of the MU SAA.

Section 3: Executive Committee members shall have the following responsibilities:

1. The President shall serve as liaison between the Millersville University Alumni Association and the MU SAA. He/She shall also conduct all general meetings.

2. The Vice President shall fulfill the responsibilities of the President during the absence of the President and serve as the chair of the Membership Committee.

3. The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of all general meetings as well as conduct all official correspondence for the MU SAA.

4. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the MU SAA and serve as the chair of the Fundraising Committee.

5. Attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Executive Committee.

Section 4: Responsibilities of Standing Committees:

1. The Fundraising Committee shall be charged with creating and carrying out all fundraising activities of the MU SAA.

2. The Membership Committee shall be charged with educating the student body on the activities of the MU SAA and with overseeing recruitment and dismissal activities.

3. The Sunshine Committee shall be charged with strengthening group relations through the organization of social functions for all MU SAA.

4. The Ushering Committee shall be charged with the coordination of ushering events.

5. The Special Events Committee shall be charged with coordinating all activities of the MU SAA.

6. The Spirit Committee shall be charged with coordinating the pep rally and activities in support of MU sports.

7. The Public Relations Committee shall be charged with announcing MU SAA events and promoting the MU SAA to Millersville University and the surrounding community. The District Liaison shall be the chair of the committee.

Section 5: Nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Chairs shall be accepted from the floor at the next-to-last general meeting in the spring.

Section 6: Elections of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Chairs shall be conducted at the last meeting of the current administration in the spring. The candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast by the student members by secret ballot shall be elected. Ballots shall be counted by a person appointed by the President prior to the vote.

Section 7: Terms of the newly elected officers and chairpersons shall be from the last meeting to the last meeting of consecutive spring semesters.

Section 8: Any chairperson unable to fulfill their elected duties for the full term may be replaced by an interim chairperson appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 9: Terms of ad hoc committee chairpersons shall be the duration of the committee, not to exceed one semester.


Section 1: Members may be asked to vacate offices or cease membership for the following reasons:

1. Failure to remain in good academic standing;

2. Missing two (2) consecutive meetings without prior approval from the President or Executive Committee member;

3. Failure to obey the By-Laws of the MU SAA and the laws/regulations of the University;

4. Inappropriate actions or behavior; or

5. Inability to maintain a positive, productive working relationship with other members of the MU SAA.

Section 2: Procedure for removal for reasons outlined in Section 1 shall be as follows:

1. A complaint shall be submitted, in writing, to one of the alumni advisors;

2. The Executive Committee shall meet and discuss the validity of the complaint. Both the plaintiff and the defendant shall be informed of the meeting and will be asked to be present to answer questions. After the hearing, the Executive Committee, meeting in private, shall decide what action, if any, shall be appropriate;

3. If the action includes removal from office or membership, the Executive Committee shall call a special meeting of the MU SAA. At this meeting, the Executive Committee shall present both sides and answer questions. The MU SAA shall then vote on the action. Removal shall require the approval of two-thirds of the members present.


Section 1: General meetings of the MU SAA shall be held every 2 weeks or as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. The President shall announce a regular meeting time and place at the first meeting of each semester. Any change in meeting time or place will be given as soon as possible by the Secretary.

Section 2: Each committee shall meet whenever necessary to fulfill the goals of the committee.

Section 3: Meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.


The budget for the MU SAA will consist of any proceeds from fundraising activities as well as monies from the Millersville University alumni.


The power to alter, amend or repeal these By-Laws or adopt new By-Laws shall be vested in the MU SAA, subject to the approval of the student membership. It shall take a two-thirds vote of the members present at a designated meeting to approve the amendments as long as the changes were submitted at the meeting previous to the vote.

Revised/Approved  4/12/2003