Tutor Employment Application General Information

Tutor Employment Application General Information

Tutor Employment Application General Information

Tutor Employment Application General Information

  • Name Name
  • Date Date / /
    Pick a date.
  • Telephone Telephone - -
  • Are you
    interested in:
    Are you
    interested in:

    (You may select both options)

  • If group is checked, what evening(s) are you available:
    If group is checked, what evening(s) are you available:
  • Have you previously worked at MU?
    Have you previously worked at MU?
  • Have you previously tutored at MU?
    Have you previously tutored at MU?
  • Have you ever attended Tutor Training?
    Have you ever attended Tutor Training?
  • Class Information

    List courses you want to tutor & grade you received: B+ or better required to tutor a course; grades will be verified

  • Your contact information will be released to your tutee so that tutoring may begin.


    I agree to adhere to these procedures and responsibilities and to those conditions described below, and I understand that failure to do so may result in the termination of my employment as a tutor.

    I understand that my responsibilities as a tutor are to clarify information, answer questions, explain problem-solving methods, and provide similar help. I understand that I may not do problems, reports, or other assignments for the student.

    I understand that the Tutoring Center has the right and responsibility to verify my grades for courses I am tutoring and to verify the hours I report as my time worked.

    I understand that my contact information will be released to my tutee in order to allow tutoring to begin.

    I understand that all tutoring sessions are to be conducted in a public place, such as the library, and may not be conducted in a dorm room, apartment, or home.

    I understand that the tutor-tutee relationship is a confidential one. I agree that all information regarding the tutee, including grades and personal information, is to be confidential, not to be disclosed to anyone outside the Tutoring Center unless authorized by the tutee. I agree not to use the tutee=s personal information for any use other than tutoring. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in the termination of my employment as a tutor.

    I understand that if I have questions or concerns about the procedures and responsibilities, I should contact one of the Tutoring Center Graduate Assistants at 717-871-7222.

  • Draw or Type
    I understand this is a legal representation of my signature. Clear
  • Date Date / /
    Pick a date.