Skully's Circle Award Recipients


Scott HelfrichMillersville University’s April Skully’s Circle Award is presented to Dr. Scott Helfrich of University Housing & Conference Services.

Scott began his journey at the ‘Ville as the Director of Housing & Residential Programs in July 2016.

Scott was nominated for behaviors related to: Work Performance, Customer Service, Attitude and Commitment, Interpersonal Skills and Overall Furtherance of Millersville University’s Mission and Vision.

The following comments were provided in his nomination:

In considering someone who touches on all five of the EPPIIC behaviors, I can absolutely attest that my Director, Dr. Scott Helfrich, meets all of them while also serving in very much of an "unsung hero" manner. In Housing, it is easy to sometimes feel that things fall onto us; as incidents require, we are pseudo-plumbers protecting student belongings during Christmas night flooding, triage staff working to de-escalate an incident and determine who is the best resource both then and later for the student, customer service representatives answering student and family questions, coaches and counsel to our own team because we "get it," and a resource to the other departments on campus creating the avenue for them to engage with students and affording various events, and providing significant data points from which data-informed decisions can be drawn by our administration. While all the widely variable needs that pop up at all hours of the day or night do fall into different staffers' roles, Scott has never hesitated to offer help, guidance, support, and on some occasions, water extraction services, to any and all of us. We are very grateful to have a servant leader overseeing our department.

While I can speak little to Scott’s meeting deadlines as I am usually not involved in those scenarios, I can absolutely affirm that we get frequent “please put this on your radar” messages to alert us to upcoming changes or needs and requests for different data points so that he can include this on his quarterly and other reporting. Scott has high expectations from us for work performance and that is to ensure that we exceed quality expectations in our service to students and our MU Community. Scott encourages creative thinking and ideas; in meetings, even ideas that would not work out are always met with an affirmation of that being a good thought, is appreciated, etc. so our team are not discouraged to continue trying to be innovative. He welcomes others’ thoughts and ideas, asks questions for us to expand on them, and I can personally attest to having seen work changes based on conversations I have had with him. Scott is very careful to ensure that all voices are at the table when planning or making decisions that may include or impact other departments and areas, and advocates for us to also be included when these decisions and planning are lead by other departments. It is refreshing, respectful, encouraging, and considerate of all of us.

Pertaining to customer service, Scott does intentionally go the extra mile to ensure that other’s thoughts, questions, or concerns are heard, valued, and followed up with. I have frequently witnessed Scott reaching out to our department for context or any additional information as needed to best assist who he is working with and provide thorough, accurate information. Although sometimes the information is not what the constituent wants to hear, they are undeniably met with respect and dignity and know that they have been heard. Preceding this is always a message to the constituent to acknowledge receipt and explain we are investigating or to anticipate a different staffer may be the best to respond so the individual knows what and who to expect. This does also demonstrate Scott’s positive attitude and dignity, because all communication and experiences with Scott are met with respect and dignity and without indication that he may have bigger, more pressing matters happening within his sphere. Scott does not make any matter feel small or beneath him which is incredibly valuable to me in a “littler person” role- Scott has taken time out of his day to speak with me about all sorts of matters, big and small.

If the above does not speak to Scott’s interpersonal skills, I can also share that Scott brings empathy and compassion to all interactions. Even when having to challenge others, he does so in a way that encourages inclusivity and further thought or discussion rather than shutting down conversation. Scott has often pointed out language, policy, or practice that could be more inclusive and invites conversation about this. In addition, Scott uses his experience to encourage others’ growth- he attends many seminars, reads voraciously, and participates often in professional development areas relating to residential life, leadership, and student success just to name a few. What is more, these resources are always open to his team as well. He sends us invitations to topics we might find helpful, links to articles and other resources with thoughtful content, and has even helped me better learn to weed out the vast supply of unhelpful content presented as expert thoughts.

What makes Scott especially appreciable is that he is also very much a “human” with his team. He acknowledges mistakes, takes accountability, and works extra diligently to ensure we know we are valued. On more than one occasion, he has made it a point to assure us that if he or our Associate Director Steve reach out with questions about an incident or situation, it is always from an information-gathering need and never with a judgmental tone or attitude. Scott makes a consistent, constant effort to tell and show us we are valued and appreciated, which directly translates to our work with students. We work much better and more enthusiastically when we know our efforts are seen and valued. I do hope that Scott can be considered for an award so that he knows his efforts are seen and valued just as well.

CELEBRATING prior recipients