Degree Programs

Degree Programs in Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at Millersville University offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

While we try to ensure that our online information is accurate, you should always consult your advisor or the printed sources available in the Math Department for the most up-to-date information about degree requirements and schedule planning.

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Mathematics at Millersville University offers the following four-year degrees:

Within each of these major programs, a student may elect the Actuarial Science Option or Statistics Option. Within the B.S. program, there is also an Option in Applied Mathematics.  Also, within each of the three programs, a student may opt to complete a Departmental Honors Thesis.

The department also offers a Minor in Mathematics and a Minor in Statistics.

The B.A. degree program in mathematics is a flexible curriculum designed to accommodate the widest possible range of career objectives. It is structured according to the traditional liberal arts approach to college education. The second semester of a foreign language is required.

The B.S. degree program differs from the B.A. degree program in that it is more specifically application-oriented. As it requires greater concentration in mathematical analysis and science, it is somewhat less flexible than the B.A. program. At the same time, there is no foreign language requirement for the B.S. degree.

Millersville University is one of the leading producers of mathematics teachers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students preparing to teach secondary school mathematics take the B.S.Ed. degree with a major in mathematics. This program combines a full range of mathematics content courses and educational methods courses, required for PA teacher certification.

Both the B.S. and B.A. degree programs allow considerable freedom of choice, within the major and without. The B.S.Ed. program in mathematics, however, has less latitude because one entire semester is devoted to student teaching.

With careful planning and hard work, an energetic student can graduate from M.U. with two majors. A student wishing to "double major" is advised to consult the university catalog for the regulations to be followed, and to obtain a special "double major" form from the registrar's office.

Graduate Programs

The Mathematics Department at Millersville University offers the following post-graduate degree programs:

The major strength of the M.Ed. program in Mathematics at Millersville University is the balance of mathematics content and pedagogy.  Since undergraduate programs in mathematics education vary greatly, one goal of the M.Ed. is to strengthen candidates' mathematical content knowledge. Additionally, the program offers a variety of mathematics education courses that allow graduate students to investigate the nature, teaching, and learning of mathematics and to apply this immediately in their own mathematics classrooms.