Administration of Immunizations and Allergy injections

Allergy Injections and Vaccines

Allergy Injections

For your safety, allergy injections will be given only when a physician or nurse practitioner is present. Please schedule an appointment with a nurse and allow 30 minutes for a mandatory waiting time after receiving the injection. The first injection from a new vial of serum must be administered at the prescribing physician's office. 


Health Services offers Td, Tdap and Influenza immunizations. Influenza vaccines are free, other vaccines are charged to the student's account.   

Tuberculosis Skin Test - Mantoux

TB Skin tests are available at Health Services. 

College and University Vaccination Act

This law requires all students living in Pennsylvania college/university-owned housing either provide proof they have been vaccinated for meningococcal disease or sign a waiver indicating they are declining to be vaccinated. This law will apply to all Millersville students who will be living in University residence halls.

Vaccines for Overseas Travel

Travel immunizations are currently not available at Millersville Health Services. Listed below are facilities that provide vaccines for a fee.

Travel Health Services,
150 Farmington Lane, Suite 201
Lancaster, PA 17601

Appointments are required.

Travel Information website