Maggi Barton '17

Media Relations Manager, WellSpan Health

“Millersville is where I found the passion for my career in public relations, my best friends and made so many incredible memories. I was so involved while in college and it allowed me to grow my connections dramatically. I loved that I was able to keep my connections close and continue as a professional within the Central Pennsylvania area. I had an incredible experience as a student with professors and the extracurriculars I was involved in with other dedicated students that ultimately helped shape me into the professional I am today.”

MU Degree
Speech Communications with an Option of Public Relations

What is your favorite spot-on campus?

As a communications major, the library was adjacent to the building where most of our classes where, Hash Hall. You could find me in the library at Starbucks if I wasn’t in class, a meeting, or work.

However, I also loved passing the pond on campus on the way to class.

What is your favorite Millersville University tradition and/or event?
I love the annual homecoming parade. As a York (Central PA) native, I grew up doing baton twirling in the parade since I was three years old. During my senior year of high school, I thought I was set on where I wanted to go to school, but then I twirled in the parade and loved the energy of the students in the crowd. I decided to investigate it, and it ended up being the perfect match.

I love going back as an alumnus and seeing familiar faces across the campus!

Why are you interested in staying connected and involved with MU as a recent graduate?
I think community is so important and I love meeting and working with MU alumni. I hope to continue to meet other alumni, and hopefully be able to be a resource for graduating students.

Millersville University Accomplishments 

  • I ended up completing my degree in three years total, but I made the most of my entire time at Millersville.
  • I participated in color guard in the marching band during my first year, was active in several organizations like the Walker Fellows, Snapper, Spring Concert Committee, HerCampus, National Honor Society of Leadership and Success Made in Millersville research summit and worked in the admissions office, the tutoring center and PSECU during my time.
  • I was heavily involved in the Public Relations Student Society of American (PRSSA) chapter at Millersville. It allowed me to grow and develop professionally even as a student, applying the lessons in the classroom to projects as a team. I was awarded the Student Leader of the Year as a senior for my leadership as Vice President of the student chapter. During my time, we also coordinated an organ donation campaign that won honorable mention at a national PRSSA conference. These experiences helped me have first-hand experience to apply as a professional one day.
  • I completed four internships while being a student getting to experience multiple types of cultures and dynamics – a marketing firm, local government, a large corporate and the state government. Those experiences lead me to start my career working for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania when I graduated.
  • I started my career working for the largest state agency in Pennsylvania, the Department of Human Services. Then, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020, I joined the Department of Health as Deputy Press Secretary and served in that position for three years. Now, I am the media relations manager at WellSpan Health.

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