Margo Thorwart '17

Director of the Center for Health Education and Promotion at Millersville University

“The professors in the communications department encouraged me to apply to graduate school. I was able to get my masters paid for because of the experience I had at Millersville. I enjoyed my undergraduate experience so much, I knew I wanted to come back and work here.”

MU Degree
BS Speech Communication
Option: Public Relations, Minors: Entrepreneurship & Athletic Coaching

What is your favorite spot-on campus?
Quiet room in the library, all glass windows facing the cross walk. Early in the morning before people are on campus and out and about. You can see the sun rise.

What is your favorite Millersville University tradition and/or event?
Homecoming has been fun to and connect with field hockey teammates and Millersville staff and faculty. I never attended homecoming as an undergrad because we always had away field hockey games those weekends, but I've enjoyed participating in homecoming as an alum. Everyone is always smiling big on homecoming and the energy is fantastic.

Why are you interested in staying connected and involved with MU as a recent graduate?
I love Millersville and enjoy staying connected with other people who feel the same. I like making a positive impact on the community and students.

Millersville University Accomplishments

  • Graduating Summa Cum Laude.
  • Becoming a certified Wellness Coach through WellCoaches.

Professional Accomplishments Becoming the Director of CHEP.

  • Peer Educator as a MU student.
  • Excited to contribute to student well-being as well as creating a culture of care and wellness on campus.

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