Millie Zaranyika '23

School Psychologist Lancaster-Lebanon IU13

“Millersville University gave me the space to grow into my own personal and professional identity. The support from faculty and other members of this University helped me to create long-lasting connections and helped me to be successful. Millersville University provided me with an education that challenged me and helped me to reach my fullest potential.”

MU Degree
Master of Science in School Psychology and Educational Specialist degree

What is your favorite spot-on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is the library reading room. I enjoy sitting on the couches with my book or laptop in hand looking over the spacious windows as people walk by. There is something relaxing and scenic about that space that I just cannot get enough of. It's my happy space.

What is your favorite Millersville University tradition and/or event?
My favorite MU event would be the Spring and Fall Fests. I enjoy the freebies provided and the food trucks that we have on campus.

Why are you interested in staying connected and involved with MU as a recent graduate?
Millersville has opened so many doors for me from the time I was in high school. I had a mentor from Millersville University, who introduced me to Millersville and show me around. I have never left since then. I have made meaningful connections with faculty and students; these connections have brought me where I am today. I want to give back to my school in any way that I can.

Millersville University Accomplishments
Before graduating with my graduate degree I was offered a full-time position at the Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 as a School Psychologist. I am currently the youngest School Psychologist on my team.

Professional Accomplishments
During my internship experience, I collaborated with an Emotional Support elementary school teacher to help reduce a student's aggressive behaviors in the classroom. We were able to create a functional behavioral assessment plan which helped us identify the function of the student's behavior. Using various data collection methods, we were able to implement an evidence-based intervention that aimed at reducing aggressive behaviors. As a result of this intervention, we were able to reduce the student's aggressive behaviors and increase academic engagement.

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