Alcohol And Other Drugs

This comprehensive Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) page aims to provide a one-stop resource on alcohol and other drugs for the Millersville University campus community. The page offers both internal and external resources on a wide variety of topics related to alcohol and other drugs. 

Millersville University holds the safety, security, and well-being of its students, employees, and community members as one of its highest priorities. It is essential everyone apart of the Millersville University community is educated on our alcohol and drug policies not only to look out for yourself but for others as well.

Alcohol and Other Drug Facts

Uncover the truth about alcohol and other drugs – myths debunked, risks revealed. Your knowledge is your best defense.

Explore essential Facts now

Care Enough Not To Share

Why you shouldn't share prescription medication. PA Stop Initiative.

Prevent Addiction

Drug-Free Schools/Communities Act

Millersville University supports and endorses the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989.

Review the Act and MU's policy