
Year One - Fall
ENGL 110: English Composition
ENGL 220: Intro to Language Study
General Elective
BA Foundations: Brit/Am/Global
UNIV 103
Year One - Spring
WRIT 280: Intro to Rhetoric for Writers
ENGL 242: Reading Our World
COMM 100: Public Speaking
GE Cornerstone - Quantitative Literacy 
GE Personal Wellness
Year Two - Fall
BA Foundations: Brit/Am/Global
BA Foundations: Brit/Am/Global
BA Media Literacy Elective
GE Creative Explorations
GE Information Literacies
Year Two - Spring
ENGL 237: Literary Research & Analysis
BA Foundations: Brit/Am/Global
GE Investigations in Scientific Reasoning
GE Problem Solving
Minor/General Elective
Year Three - Fall
BA Adv. Study Lit & Film
GE Adv. Writing
GE Technological Competency
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Year Three - Spring
Adv. Study Lit & Film
GE Diverse Cultural Contexts
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Year Four - Fall 
Adv. Study Lit & Film
ENGL 300: Internship
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Year Four - Spring
Adv. Study Lit & Film
Capstone: Digital portfolio/2nd internship/thesis
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
ENGL BA: Writing Studies
Year One - Fall
ENGL 110: English Composition
ENGL 220: Intro to Language Study
General Elective
GE Elective
UNIV 103
Year One - Spring
WRIT 280: Intro to Rhetoric for Writers
ENGL 242: Reading Our World
COMM 100: Public Speaking
GE Cornerstone - Quantitative Literacy 
GE Personal Wellness
Year Two - Fall
WRIT 274: Craft of Writing
WRIT 317: Editing for Publication
ENGL 237: Literary Research & Analysis
GE Creative Explorations
GE Information Literacies
Year Two - Spring
WRIT 340: Rhetorical Analysis or WRIT 342: Reading and Writing for Civic Change
GE Investigations in Scientific Reasoning
GE Problem Solving
GE Personal Wellness
Minor/General Elective
Year Three - Fall
WRIT 273: Rhetoric and Games or WRIT 343: Rhetoric of Marginalized People
GE Adv. Writing
GE Technological Competency
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Year Three - Spring
WRIT 471: Creative Writing or Literature 3xx or 4xx
GE Diverse Cultural Contexts
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Year Four - Fall 
WRIT 466: Seminar in Writing Studies
ENGL 300: Internship
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Year Four - Spring
WS Capstone: Digital portfolio/2nd internship/thesis
WS Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective
Minor/General Elective