Legacy General Education Program
Legacy General Education Philosophy
The aim of Millersville’s general education curriculum is to cultivate the intellect by educating students to reason logically, to think critically, to express themselves clearly, and to foster an understanding of the human condition. We leverage general education as a platform to assist our students in cultivating an interdisciplinary understanding of the culture, politics, and science of our rapidly changing world.
Legacy General Education Objectives
Students, working with advisors, and taking into consideration prior knowledge and experience, purposefully select courses in the General Education curriculum that meld with required courses, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and courses in the major to achieve these objectives:
Foundations for Life-Long Learning
1. Students will think, speak, and write clearly.
Critical Thinking across the Liberal Arts
2. Students will demonstrate foundational knowledge of the important ideas and methods of different ways of knowing.
Connections and Exploration
3. Students will connect important ideas and methods of inquiry from different disciplines as a means of becoming holistic and responsible citizens in a diverse and technologically complex, global community.
Click for full listing of General Education Objectives.