Business Analytics

Degree: B.S.

Business Analytics is an area that is interdisciplinary in nature, bringing together competencies across the social sciences and natural sciences. This program integrates courses in business, computer science, economics, and mathematics to give graduates the skills and experiences to be successful in a number of fields.

Why Study This Program?

Organizations have a real need for employees who have the abilities and experience to analyze and synthesize the massive amounts of data that customers generate. These employees make data-driven recommendations that can help clients, workers, companies, and society.

What Will You Learn?

The Business Analytics curriculum is designed to prepare you for employment in any business or for-profit, nonprofit or public-sector organization where you will be:

  • Collecting and synthesizing data obtained from various sources.
  • Choosing the appropriate statistical or computational technique needed to address the problem at hand.
  • Summarizing data visually through appropriate use of charts and graphs to develop insights to business problems and topics.
  • Analyzing and interpreting results from statistical and computational techniques to develop insights to business problems and topics.
  • Communicating results effectively to a general audience.