Fall Courses

Physics: Fall 2021 Courses

Cour Cred Course Title Days Class Times Location Faculty
117.01 3.0 General Astronomy MWF 10:00-10:50 am CAP 210 Sean Hendrick
131.01 4.0 Physics I with Algebra, lecture MWF 9:00 - 9:50am CAP 210 Tariq Gilani
131.1A 0 Physics I with Algebra, recitation R 8:00 - 8:50am ROD 286 Tariq Gilani
131.1B 0 Physics I with Algebra, recitation W 1:00 - 1:50pm ROD 261 Xin Li
131.1C 0 Physics I with Algebra, recitation R 10:50-11:40am CAP 211 Tariq Gilani
131.1D 0 Physics I with Algebra, recitation W 2:00 - 2:50pm CAP 211 Tariq Gilani
131.2A 0 Physics I with Algebra, laboratory M 1:00 - 2:50pm CAP 227 Xin Li
131.2B 0 Physics I with Algebra, laboratory M 3:00 -4:50pm CAP 227 Tariq Gilani
131.2C 0 Physics I with Algebra, laboratory T 6:00 - 7:50pm CAP 227 Mehmet Goksu
131.2D 0 Physics I with Algebra, laboratory T 8:00-9:50am CAP 227 Xin Li
131.2E 0 Physics I with Algebra, laboratory T 1:10-3:00pm CAP 227 Mehmet Goksu
132.01 4 Physics 2 with Algebra, lecture MWF 9:00 -9:50am ROD 261 Sean Hendrick
132.1A 0 Physics 2 with Algebra: Recitation R 1:10-2:00pm ROD 256 Mehmet Goksu
132.1B 0 Physics 2 with Algebra: Recitation R 2:10 - 3:00 pm ROD 256 Mehmet Goksu
132.2A 0 Physics 2 with Algebra : Lab M 11:00-12:50pm ROD 247 Mehmet Goksu
132.2B 0 Physics 2 with Algebra: Lab M 1:00 - 2:50 pm ROD 247 Mehmet Goksu
198.01 0 Seminar in Physics R 9:25-10:15am ROD 247 Tariq Gilani
230H.01 1.0 General Physics Seminar
"Students must have good standing in the Honors Program,
or a 3.35 QPA, or permission of the instructor."
M 3:00-3:50 PM RODDY 247 Zenaida Uy
231.01 5.0 Physics I with Calculus, lecture
Also take one recitation (1A-1C)
and one laboratory (2A-2D)
MWF 11:00-11:50am ROD 261 Zenaida Uy
231.1A 0 Physics I with Calculus, recitation T 9:25-10:15 AM ROD 256 Zenaida Uy
231.1B 0 Physics I with Calculus, recitation T 1:10-2:00 PM ROD 256 Zenaida Uy
231.1C 0 Physics I with Calculus, recitation T 2:35-3:25 PM ROD 256 Zenaida Uy
231.2A 0 Physics I with Calculus, laboratory W 1:00-3:50 PM CAPUTO 227 Zenaida Uy
231.2B 0 Physics I with Calculus, laboratory W 5:00-7:00 PM CAPUTO 227 Zenaida Uy
311.01 3 Mechanics I MWF 12:00-12:50pm ROD 256 Xin Li
331.01 2.0 Fundamentals of Optics: Lec R 12:00 - 12:50pm ROD 251 Tariq Gilani
331.01A 0.0 Fundamentals of Optics: Lab R 1:00 - 3:50pm ROD 251 Tariq Gilani
351.01 1.0 Intermediate Physics Laboratory I T 2:00 -4:50pm ROD 246 Xin Li
451.01 1.0 Advanced Physics Laboratory I T 2:00-4:50pm ROD 246 Xin Li
492.01 2.0 Physics Research and Seminar





ROD 149 

CAP 233

Mehmet Goksu