Individuals who feel they are developing ergonomic health problems from poor workstation design can contact the EHS office for an ergonomic consultation.
If you want to improve your office set up and work area, read these Ergonomic Tips for A Healthy Work Station.

PA Dept of Labor and Industry Ergonomic Tips
Confined space
The Confined Space Entry (CSE) program applies to the safe working practices for
entering and working in confined spaces. A confined space is a space large enough for a
person to physically gain entry, but with limited means of egress, and is a space not
designed for continuous occupancy. These spaces may also contain a variety of hazards
which may cause injury or death.
Hazardous Waste
All hazardous waste generated on campus must be properly labeled, containerized, and stored in conformance with federal and state environmental laws. The EHS unit works with various campus groups to comply with the hazardous waste laws.
Radiation Safety
The Director of Environmental Health and Safety is the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) for Millersville University.
Any department or faculty member using radioactive materials must follow strict protocol for safe handling, use, storage, and disposal of the material. The EHS unit works with faculty and students to ensure compliance with federal and state radiation safety rules and regulations.
Only those radioactive materials listed on the university radiation safety license may be used. The use of any unauthorized radioactive materials is strictly prohibited. Contact the RSO if you would like to inquire about the possibility of using a new radioactive material.
Only those faculty members listed on the university radioactive material license may use radioactive materials. The use of radioactive materials by non-licensed individuals is strictly prohibited. If you wish to begin using radioactive materials, you must contact the RSO to become an authorized user.
Anyone who handles or uses radioactive materials at Millersville University needs to complete radiation safety training. Any faculty member wishing to use radioactive materials for the first time must first be added to the university radiation safety license and must receive radiation safety training. If you wish to start using radioactive materials, and need this training, contact the RSO.
Any new laboratory procedures which use radioactive isotopes, or equipment with sealed radioactive sources, must be approved by the RSO.
Infectious Waste and Bloodborne Pathogens
The EHS office works closely with Health Services to administer the proper accumulation, storage, and disposal of infectious waste on campus. Blood borne pathogens training and the campus hepatitis B vaccination program are administered by the EHS office in conjunction with Health Services.
hot work
Hot Work consists of activities that may create a hazard from welding, flame cutting,
soldering or similar activities which may produce flames or sparks. Potential health,
safety and property hazards can result from the fumes, gases, sparks, hot metal and radiant energy
produced during hot work. These, and other hazards, can be reduced through the implementation of
effective controls as outlined in the Hot Work SOP.
Asbestos and Indoor Air Quality
The EHS office can assist with reports of possible problems with indoor air quality in campus buildings. For more information on how to request an indoor air quality inspection of your building or office, contact EHS at 717-871-7066
Laboratory Safety
The EHS office works closely with the Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Art, Industry Technology, and other departments to facilitate good laboratory safety practices, including the safe handling of hazardous waste generated from the laboratory process.