Mission & Goals

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Out of gratitude for the education received at Millersville University and a belief in the value of public higher education, the Alumni Association is committed to continuous improvement of educational processes through its support to the University.

The Association promotes a meaningful dialogue and exchange of ideas between the University and its alumni. And, through the diverse programs of volunteer services and financial assistance, the Association is committed to strengthening alumni relations in support of the University's mission. These include providing information about the University to alumni, encouraging and supporting Millersville's educational relationship with alumni, sponsoring a variety of activities of interest to alumni and providing alumni with opportunities for service to the University.


  • Communicate current, meaningful information about Millersville to alumni and friends of the University on a regular basis.
  • Increase participation in MUAA-sponsored programs in terms of numbers, geography and diversity.
  • Expand opportunities for alumni to maintain their relationships with one another.
  • Cultivate an understanding of engagement philanthropy with students so they will become active alumni.
  • Enhance and enrich the experiences of students through interaction with alumni.
  • Elevate Millersville's reputation and raise its visibility in the local community.
  • Engage in an ongoing planning process to meet the needs of an ever-changing alumni body.

* The MU Alumni Association is governed by a board of 25 directors who serve two-year terms and meet four times annually. Board leadership consists of four officers --- a president, president-elect, secretary and treasurer. All officers are elected to two-year terms by the board. In addition, the board includes appointed and approved chairpersons, one for each of the standing Alumni Association committees. The committees include: Financial Planning; Nominations and Awards; Engagement; Events; and Information Technology. Board members who do not serve as officers or chairpersons are considered at-large members, and they are required to serve on one or more of the above committees.

The Alumni Association Board of Directors also incorporates advisory (non-voting) members into its governing body. Advisory members are:

  • President of Millersville University or designee
  • Vice President for Advancement or designee
  • Immediate Past President of the Alumni Association
  • Director of Alumni Engagement
  • Alumni Association Board Members Emeriti
  • President of the Student Alumni Association of Millersville University or designee
  • President of MU Student Senate or designee
  • MU Alumni Association Committee Chairs
  • Millersville University staff liaisons as identified by the Director of Alumni Engagement 

Please fill out and submit the Alumni Board Application in order to be considered.