Omicron Delta Epsilon @ MU
Alpha Sigma Chapter

Omicron Delta Epsilon Honor Society
Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world's largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities; the publication of its official journal, The American Economist , and sponsoring of panels at professional meetings as well as the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig competitions.
Currently, Omicron Delta Epsilon has 578 chapters located in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Egypt, France, and United Arab Emirates. With such a broad, international base, chapter activities vary widely, ranging from invited speakers, group discussions, dinners, meetings, etc., to special projects such as review sessions and tutoring for students in economics. Omicron Delta Epsilon plays a prominent role in the annual Honors Day celebrations at many colleges and universities.
History of Ο Δ Ε
Omicron Delta Epsilon, one of the worlds largest academic honor societies, was created in 1963 through the merger of two honor societies, Omicron Delta Gamma and Omicron Chi Epsilon. At the time of their merger, both societies had 28 chapters. Omicron Delta Gamma's chapters were primarily in the Midwestern and Pacific states while the chapters of Omicron Chi Epsilon were concentrated at Colleges and Universities along the Eastern Seaboard and in Texas.
Omicron Delta Gamma (The Order of Artus) was founded in 1915 by John R. Commons, University of Wisconsin and Frank Taussig, Harvard University through the union of the economics societies of their Universities. The intent of the society was the encouragement of a closer academic and social relationship between honor students and faculty on an informal basis, facilitating the exchange of information and views.
Omicron Chi Epsilon was the younger of the two organizations but of equal chapter strength at the time of the merger, having been founded in 1955 by Alan A. Brown while he was a student at City College of New York. From its inception, the Society sought to provide means not only to confer suitable honors on the more promising students but also to encourage scholarship by organized meetings at conferences and through the publication of its official journal.
Omicron Delta Epsilon Student Awards
To implement its objectives, Omicron Delta Epsilon sponsors the John R. Commons Award and two international competitive awards, the Irving Fisher Award and the Frank Taussig Award for ODE members, graduate, and undergraduate students, respectively. Also, each year there is recognition for acting leadership roles in local chapters in the Outstanding Student Awards. Chapters can apply for grants of up to $1500 for innovative programs.
The Frank W. Taussig Article Award is a competitive award bestowed upon the undergraduate or recent graduate in economics submitting the best article in any year. (Economics refers to both theoretical and applied economics, and students writing papers in agricultural economics or other areas of applied economics are eligible for the award as long as there is an Omicron Delta Epsilon chapter on their campus and they are members thereof.)
Who is Eligible - Anyone satisfying one of the following 3 criteria: (1) Any undergraduate student in a school with an Omicron Delta Epsilon chapter; (2) Any student who received a bachelor's degree from such a school not more than two years prior to entering the competition, and (3) Any member of Omicron Delta Epsilon who received a bachelor's degree from any school not more than two years prior to entering the competitions.
Eligible Entries - Articles may be on any topic in economics. Entries of up to 5,000 words are preferred, but up to 10,000 words are acceptable.
Nature of Award - The Frank W. Taussig Award consists of a cash prize of $1000 and publication in The American Economist. In addition, the chapter submitting the winning entry receives $200.
Procedure for Participation - Submit three copies of your entry to the Selection Committee in your department. If no Committee exists in your department, submit entry with supporting letters from two faculty members to the Chairman of the Fisher/Taussig Competitions. Electronic submissions are preferred.
Deadline - August 1 of each year.
Selection Process - One or more entries judged to be of superior quality in department competitions will be forwarded to the International Editorial Board. All entries judged to be of superior quality by this board will be entered in the final competition and will be judged by the Final Selection Board.
Award Announcement - The winner is determined December 15 each year, and is announced at the ASSA meetings in January and is published on the ODE website.
More Information - For more information, write Dr. Mary Ellen Benedict, Vice President for Competitions, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403.
2007 Frank W. Taussig Award Recipient:
Patricia (Grieggs) Selim (Class 2007)
Patricia Grieggs was the national recipient of the Omicron Delta Epsilon Frank W. Taussig Award in 2007 for her honors thesis: Variations in Individual Decision Making: Children, Adults, and Economic Theory. Patricia's honors thesis was published in The American Economist (
: pp. 124-135). Patricia also received a monetary award of $1000, and a $200 donation was made to the Millersville Chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon. Patricia's thesis advisor was Dr. Ron Baker.PAST INDUCTEES
Nicholas Armstrong
Liam Bellew
Jacqueline M Buck
Justin Gray Creighton
Timothy Evan Delp
Sawyer Sourbeer
Sharon Baumann
Erik Bowers
Alexander Genova
Jaclyn Belew
Matthew Libonati
Olivia Stoner
Aaron Keglovits
ODE Class of 2016
Ryan Durborow
Joshua Hay
Michael Distasi
Robert Hunter-Weinberger
Kevin Lubin
Chuong Ly
Alana Miles
Courtney Mills
Julia Peoples
Andrew Quintois
Nicholas Savitsky
Camden Van Scoik
ODE Class of 2015
Cara Clase
David Halloran
William Heesen
Erin Poplar
Aaron Rodden
Tyler Ryan
ODE Class of 2014
Drew Becker
Randy Berridge
Alexander Costello
Zachary Diehm
Nathan Franklin
Eric Pettis
Daniel Rabiega
Josue Ralat
Christopher Reuling
Logan Simmons
ODE Class of 2013
Liberty Clark
Nichlas Engel
Kira Fry
Patrick Hollowell
Zachary Teti
Collin Walsh
ODE Class of 2012
Michael Hunter
Kimberly Goody
Ashley Draper
Courtney Lawson
Dylan Steele
Adam Schickling
Phouc Phan
Matt Croyle
Eric Moon
Kaleb Koons
Benjamin Shue
Jan L. Graybill, Class of 1980*
ODE Class of 2011
Daniel J. Angello
Colton Joseph Brown
Ryan Todd Gonder
Samuel Hall Hernandez
Ashley Rennae McAuliffe
Kara Marie Pendleton
Shannon Marie Snyder
Jeremy Arthur Spangler
Chelsea L. Vajda
Michael B. Weaver
Paul Beideman, Class of 1980*
ODE Class of 2010
Joseph Burns
Jillian Golomboski
Jonathan P. Goss
Tony Huynh
Theresa Ann Lugara
Javan Von Martin
Stephen O'Neill
Andrew Patrick
Ryan Saxton
Vinson Sensenig
Joseph Sholley
Shane Sloan
Scott Sheely *
ODE Class of 2009
Christopher T. Ecker
Erik R. Eddy
Michael J. Fish
Amy M. Focht
Kimberly A. Kutzer
Aliese M. McArthur
Tyler R. McConnell
Paul N. Sayko
Carly A. Sheridan
Phyllicia A. Shoemaker
Andrew D. Trout
Courtney A. Weakland
Diane Poillon*
ODE Class of 2008
Lauren Ann Barnak
Adam Charles Cless
Eric C. Dionysius
Benjamin L. Frantz
Jeffrey Gallo
Nicole L. Hinton
Vanessa N. Lituma
Cody W. Mellott
Allison Nicole Polan
Matthew Van Wyen
William J. Reuter*
ODE Class of 2007
Erik L Baker
Christopher A Fisher
Manmita Mangat
Matthew R McConnell
Erin K McNeely
Kyle J Spicher
James J Treires
Greg Lefever, Class of 74*
ODE Class of 2006
Langdon Ramsburg
Thomas Wesley
Nicholas James Quinn
Brenda Chavez
Kyle McLaughlin
Ryan D. Walker
Brandon Murphy
Scott N. Savage
Rachel C. Marshall
Particia Grieggs
Kenneth Mertz II, Class of 74*
ODE Class of 2005
Zachary Alan Yusypchuk
Stephen David Neili
Danielle E. Hammons
Lauren A Fedorka
Mark Andrew Sutcliffe
Andrew Smith
Donald D. Kreisberg Jr.
Jacqueline Tyszka
Stephen Kepchar Jr., Class of 73*
ODE Class of 2004
Kristin Hunsberger
Justin Kleinfelter
Shannon M. Hiett
Christopher Bourland
Justin N. Leventry
Michael Jason Drakeley
Jarrod M. Rhen
Joan Githaiga
Bonnie Tes Chy
Donald H. McCarty, Class of 74*
ODE Class of 2003
Craig A. Weeks
Justin P. Lannan
Jason D. Petersheim
Angela B. Yocklovich
Marcy L. McCullough
Matthew K. Scheuing
Jesse A. Ellis
Jonathan D. Fanelli
Lauren M Williams
Abram W. Diffenbach, Class of 73*
ODE Class of 2002
Jeffrey A. Dzendzel
Jessica M. Jurado
ODE Class of 2001
Michelle L. Landis
Christopher D. Marschka
Matthew C. Malick
William David Stadden
Kelley Hunter Appleman
Daniel M. Cikovic
Stephen M. Elliker
Brian A. Hanks
Allon H. Lefevor, Class of 72*
ODE Class of 2000
Aaron M. Shenck
Chadwick J. Hershey
Kristel Marie Erb
R. David Pershall Jr.
Nicole Joanna Hiser
Jessica Irene Purcell
Dr. Osman Suliman*
Dr. Kirsten K. Madden*
Dr. Raymond A. Maynard*
Dr. M.K. Hamid*
Dr. Marvin S. Margolis*
ODE Class of 1999
David Forsyth
Melinda Moyer
Fritz Heinemann*
ODE Class of 1998
Andres Galdo Nogales
Scott Michael Motaka
Thomas Edward Hopta
Anna Katseva
Kevin Crowe
Jared James Rabold
Elizabeth M. Likn
Jeffrey Alan Bortz
Pietjan B. Clark
Joseph Garner, Class of 90*
ODE Class of 1997
Charter Members:
Edwin Malcolm Abaka
Ronald L. Horst
Anita M. Padilione
Donna Michelle Arobone
John P. Sauer
Jeffrey David Groves
Joseph A. Stratter Jr.
Christoslav E. Anuelov
Christopher A. Bush
David C. Hostetter*
*Distinguished and
Honorary Members
Dr. Mike Gumpper
Professor of Economics
Contact Info
Postal Address:
Economics Department - McComsey Hall
Millersville University
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551Telephone: 717-871-7169
Fax: 717-871-7934