Faculty Grants Committee

About us

The Faculty grants Committee is responsible for evaluating applications from faculty for internal grant funding at Millersville University to support research, publications, travel to present, and special academic activities.

The committee consists of ten faculty members, who read and individually rank each proposal. Proposals are scored on a 10 point scale and a trimmed mean is computed by eliminating each proposal's highest and lowest score. The committee allocates funding to proposals using a blind review of trimmed mean scores.

Kuali Online Application

ALL submission to the faculty grants program will be done via an online form. This form can be found HERE

After submission, you will receive two emails from Kuali, the system through which this application is managed. The first will provide an opportunity for you to review, revise and approve your proposal. After approval you will receive a second email confirming submission of your proposal.

All application materials for the Fall 2024 Faculty Grant cycle must be submitted via the online form by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

If you have questions or comments regarding the form, please contact Amber Warren, amber.warren@millersville.edu, or 717-871-4146. 


Regular faculty (tenured and tenure track), temporary full-time (TFTF) and regular part-time (RPT) faculty are eligible to apply.

General Guidelines

  • All of your application materials in a single PDF file for each proposal must be submitted electronically using this link: https://millersville.kualibuild.com/app/builder/app/632e0a98968e6ec1384f6046/run on or before the submission deadline.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.  
  • Proposals must be written in standard English, avoiding professional jargon. They should be comprehensible to any member of the committee regardless of his or her discipline.
  • It is permissible to apply one cycle in advance for activities (e.g., apply in the summer cycle for a fall activity). It is not permissible, however, to apply retroactively (e.g., you may not apply in the fall to fund activities that took place in the summer).  You may not apply for the same activity in multiple cycles.
  • All activities and/or presentations for the same conferences will be considered under only one academic application and category (e.g. Travel-to-Present or Special Academic Activities), so please use only one application.
  • Organizational membership fees will not be paid through Faculty Grants monies. Please do not include such fees in registration requests.
  • Members of the Faculty Grants Committee are eligible to submit proposals for all grant categories but will not evaluate their own proposals or participate in discussions of their proposals.
  • Final report forms must be submitted one year from date of award for recipients of research grants, publication grants, and released time grants. (Reports are not necessary for travel grants or special academic activities).