Group Travel to Present


Faculty members should be exhibiting their creative work or presenting the results of their research to other scholars at academic conventions, conferences, or similar professional meetings. The purpose of Group Travel to Present grant is to provide financial support to faculty for travel related expenses.


  • Request for funds for Group Travel to Present grants should not exceed $1000 per proposal.
  • The scope of the presentation (e.g., international/national, regional, state, local) must be described and will be used as a ranking criterion. The type of presentation (e.g., paper, poster, demonstration, workshop, etc) must be described and will be used as a ranking criterion.
  • You must be a presenter at the conference to qualify for funding. Attendance without presentation will not be funded.
  • All travel-to-present proposals must be accompanied by:
    1. official conference brochure description,
    2. justification in 250 words or less describing your activity - its content, its value to your professional development, and your role in the presentation, and
    3. verification from the sponsoring organization indicating that the presentation has been accepted is required. Late verification will be honored until the time of the presentation.
  • Group presentation (more than one author/presenter from Millersville University) should be submitted as a single application unless there is a clear justification to show that this application should be considered separately. Please complete only one Group Travel-to-Present application form. If there is more than one author/presenter, distinguish if the authors/presenters are jointly doing a single paper or if each is presenting their own paper in a series during the same time period.