President’s Commission on the Status of Women

APPLY HERE - Applications due First Friday in December

The President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) Women’s Issues Allocation Award was established to encourage ongoing efforts to ensure a climate of equality at Millersville University.  The PCSW welcomes funding proposals that address issues and concerns pertaining to campus women, with an eye towards long-term influence.


  1. Recipients must be Millersville University students or employees. Since awards support projects prior to their occurrence, recipients must anticipate being part of the Millersville University community until the project is completed.
  2. Awards can be used to cover travel, purchase of supplies, equipment, publication charges, workshops, conferences, course work related to events or other projects based on Track to which applying.
  3. Typical awards range from $250-$1,000. Awards may be made to one or more projects. Award period runs from January through December annually.

APPLY HERE - Applications due First Friday in December