Faculty Forms Center
Degree Progress and Completion Forms
Intended for students working in the final semester of their master's or doctoral program or MU certificate program (Gifted, Nursing Education, Familty Nurse Practicioner, etc.) and seeking to be evaluated for graduation. This link is not for those who are seeking PDE recommendation for certification.
Intended for students seeking to advance to degree candidacy in their master's degree program. Degree candidacy requirements and processes vary by department.
Intended for students seeking to change or add to their current master's degree or supervisory certification program to another master's degree or supervisory certification program at MU. This form is not for Post-Baccalaureate Certfification changes or additions.
Curriculum and Course Forms
Thesis / Dissertation Request Form
Request for MU Course Substitution
Intended for students seeking to substitute a required course in a graduate program with another graduate course at MU (from within their home program or from a different program).
This form is not for post-baccalaureate certification students. PB Certification students should click to this form.
Request for Transfer of Credit Back to MU
Intended for matriculating students seeking to take a course at another university to transfer back to their master's degree program at MU. Prior approval from the adviser, graduate coordinator, and dean of graduate studies and research is necessary.
Transcript Review of Graduate Courses Completed at Another Institution Prior to Admission at MU
Intended for students seeking to transfer credit for graduate courses taken at another regionally accredited institution prior to their MU admission. Please note that transfer credit will not be awarded for courses taken elsewhere that were specifically used in the completion of another degree program.
Transcript Review of Graduate Courses Completed at MU
Intended for students seeking to transfer credit for graduate courses completed at MU in programs (including non-degree status) other than the one they are planning to pursue.
Undergraduate Student Permission to Enroll in Graduate Course for Graduate Credit
Intended for undergraduate students who wish to enroll in a graduate level (500- or 600-) course for graduate credit. Students must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA and have a maximum of 15 credits to be completed in their baccalaureate program. A non-degree graduate student application must be submitted in addition to this form.
Graduate Academic Appeals
GAAC Notice of Appeal Decision
Requires three signatures from Graduate Academic Appeal Committee members. Official notice of academic dismissal appeal.
Appeal Process Timeline
An overview of the entire appeal process, including dates of meetings and deadlines.
Graduate Faculty - Coordinator Appeal Feedback Form
Intended for Graduate Faculty - Coordinator. Requires signature and final decision of Coordinator regarding a student's appeal.
Appeal Meeting Questions
Questions to be asked to the student requesting dismissal appeal. Contact the Graduate Studies Office for the list of questions.
Graduate Student Academic Appeal Form and Guidelines
Intended for the student that wishes to submit an appeal regarding their academic dismissal and have their case brought up to the Graduate Academic Appeal Committee.