Dimensions of Wellness


Circle divided into sections to describe the dimensions of wellness























Wellness combines nine dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. Overall, wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety of ways. Wellness places responsibility on the individual; it becomes a matter of self-evaluation and self-assessment. Wellness involves continually learning and making changes to enhance your state of wellness.


Emotional (Feelings)
Emotional wellness is rooted in an awareness and acceptance of one's feelings.

Environmental (Air, Water, Food, Safety)
Living in harmony with the earth and understanding one's impact on the world enhances environmental wellness.

Living within one's means and managing resources appropriately supports financial wellness.

Intellectual (Mind)
Intellectual wellness involves developing critical thinking skills and pursuing creative activities.

Multicultural wellness results when we are aware of one's background and respectful of others' cultures.

Occupational (Career, Skills)
Occupational wellness begins with balancing work and leisure time, and finding purpose within society.

Physical (Body)
Maintaining a focus on physical wellness includes making conscious decisions to strengthen, protect and care for one's body.

Social (Family, Friends, Relationships)
Social wellness encourages us to develop meaningful relationships.

Spiritual (Values, Purpose, Intuition, Vitality)
Spiritual wellness strives for a connection to something greater than yourself.