Multidisciplinary Studies (MDST)

Multidisciplinary Studies (MDST) is a flexible program of study that builds on the University’s existing strengths in the liberal arts and sciences.  

With careful advisement, students are provided an opportunity to tailor studies to better meet their academic strengths and career goals. You will find the necessary forms, news bulletins and contact information to get started on this website.

Students in need of a signature, should submit the appropriate form using the electronic student forms, found here:

MDST Curriculum Committee Meeting Dates

The MDST Curriculum Committee has resumed proposal review for Spring 2024.  Students should meet with Professor Scott Anderson BEFORE drafting an individual proposal AND meeting with potential faculty advisors.

Keep in mind the MDST Curriculum proposal process can take several weeks between proposal drafting, revisions, and review.  Students should start the MDST proposal process EARLY and at least ONE FULL SEMESTER prior to their intended graduation.

If you have a questions or concerns about Student Initiated Programs, please reach out to Professor Anderson.