Newman Civic Fellows

About the Award
Given by Campus Compact, the Newman Civic Fellowship Award recognizes and supports community-committed students who represent the next generation of public problem solvers and civic leaders. Named for Campus Compact founder Frank Newman, the award is a one-year fellowship experience that supports personal, professional, and civic development.  

Eligible undergraduate students are nominated by Millersville University faculty or staff for their demonstrated commitment to finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country.

Students are encouraged to self-initiate the nomination process by forwarding the nomination form link to a Millersville University faculty or staff member willing to submit a nomination on their behalf. 

Click here to access the nomination form

The Fellowship includes a variety of program components, including:

  • Attendance at a national, regional, and state convening of Fellows
  • Webinar series focused on skill development and professional learning
  • Opportunities to submit conference proposals to present at Campus Compact affiliated conference
  • One-on-one leadership development with a local mentor
  • National recognition through Campus Compact website and media
  • Scholarship opportunities from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute
  • Opportunity to apply for Newman’s Own Foundation Fellowship

Newman Civic Fellows Eligibility Criteria
The Newman Civic Fellows Award recognizes a Millersville University community-minded student who:

  • Engages in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change
  • Takes action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization
  • Demonstrates the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement

Newman Civic Fellow nominee must: 

  • Be an enrolled undergraduate in good standing during the Spring 2024 term
  • Have at least one year of their education remaining 
  • Plan to continue enrollment for the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year     
  • Submit a personal statement by the provided due date

Nomination and Award Process:

Announcemnt coming in the Fall 2024 semester


Millersville University faculty or staff nominate eligible community-committed students who represent the next generation of public problem solvers and civic leaders.

Nominate a Student


Learn more about the community-committed student leaders at Millersville University who received the prestigious national Newman Civic Fellows Award.

View Previous Fellows