Strategic Direction 3

Invest strategically in people and place

Goal 1: Recruit and retain top notch employees

Objective A: Attract top talent for faculty and staff positions
Objective B: Increase professional and leadership development opportunities
Objective C: Recognize units and people who demonstrate EPPIIC values

Goal 2: Enhance stewardship of current resources and new revenues

Objective A: Realign University budget to maximize operational efficiency
Objective B: Enhance transparency of budget decisions and process
Objective C: Increase proposal writing and submission opportunities
Objective D: Extend the “IMAGINE THE POSSIBLE” Campaign
Objective E: Grow annual philanthropic support from target group

Goal 3: Streamline the use of technologies to support university operations

Objective A: Develop and implement a comprehensive IT security plan
Objective B: Increase the use of data for decision-making
Objective C: Ensure access to appropriate technology and support for remote instruction

Goal 4: Upgrade campus facilities

Objective A: Increase campus accessibility and safety
Objective B: Create more campus spaces that promote student interaction
Objective C: Reduce deferred maintenance backlog