Fall 2024 Student Teachers

** Reminder!  Turn 'ON' your D2L Notifications and stay up to date through the "Field Services -  Student Teachers" D2L site! ** 

Mark your Calendar -  important dates!

CLEARANCE DEADLINE - January 1, 2024

  • All clearances must be dated on or after December 14, 2023
  • Visit the Clearance webpage for deadlines and information!  Clearance deadlines for student teaching are much earlier than other field experiences.

Student Teaching Application

  • Fall 2024 Student Teaching Application: PAST DUE-Please contact Field Services for more information. 
  • Completing the application is required to transition from Professional Block 2/PDS field experiences into student teaching and to be included on the Field Services Student Teaching D2L site.

Student Teaching Orientation (mandatory)

  • Date:  Tuesday, April 2, 2024
  • Location:  Online presentation available through the Student Teaching D2L site.

*The Mandatory Orientation Presentation will be available on the Fall 2024 Student Teaching D2L site.  The presentation is required viewing for all Fall 2024 Student Teachers (including PDS students).  Visit the Student Teaching D2L site for more information.


First Day Meeting - student teaching (mandatory)

  • Date:  Friday, August 23, 2024
  • Time:  9:00 am
  • Location: Stayer Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), Stayer Hall

Attendance is mandatory for all Fall Student Teachers. Please keep the entire day open. Supervisor meetings will be held in the afternoon.



  • Date: September 17, 2024
  • Time: 1:30 pm
  • Location: Stayer Multi Purpose Room (MPR)
  • Attendance:  Mandatory - for current student teachers!  

This Q & A session is designed for current student teachers and will review the Certification process, timeline and other important information.  Student Teachers - Get your questions answered here!  Presented by the Department of Field Services Certification Office.

Chalk to Chalkboard Student teaching interview event (mandatory)

  • Date:  September 17, 2024
  • Time:  3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Location: Student Memorial Center, MPR

This event provides an opportunity to interview one-on-one with area administrators.  Presented by The Career Center.  Contact The Career Center for more information - more information will be provided when available.  


important Information

  • Field Services 'Student Teaching' D2L site - Available in Spring semester prior to student teaching.  You will be added to this site after your application has been received.  Visit often for important information and updates.  Turn 'ON' your D2L Notifications to stay informed!


  • Student Teaching Absence Form - Instructions and information are available on the Student Teaching D2L site.



  • Fall 2024 Student Teaching Calendar - Available on the Field Services Student Teaching D2L site.



 Revised 07/2024