Departments Served
Academic Departments Served by the Tutoring Center
College of Education and Human Services
- Wellness
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Art
- Business - Contact Peter Freedman
- Earth Sciences - Contact the Earth Sciences Department
- Communications
- Economics - Please contact the Economics Department - Lianna Souza
- English (English 010 and 110 tutoring will be provided by the English Department and WIN: Writers' Improvement Network)
- Foreign Languages (tutoring arrangements will be made by the Foreign Language Department)
- Geography (tutoring arrangements will be made by the Geography Department)
- Government
- History
- Latino/a Studies
- Music (tutoring arrangements will be made by the Music Department)
- Philosophy (tutoring arrangements will be made by the Philosophy Department)
- Political Science
- Social Work
- Sociology/Anthropology - (Please contact the department)
College of Science and Technology
- Mathematics (LD/PD; MSP)*
*LD = Learning Disability, PD = Physical Disability; MSP = (Millersville Scholars Program)
(Must be registered with the Office of Learning Services and/or MSP for individual tutoring. All others must go to the Math Assistance Center in Wickersham -
Tutoring Provided by Individual Departments