Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies


The Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program encourages attendance at varied events that will help us refine our intersectional mindsets and develop more inclusive social justice perspectives.

September 9, 6pm: Name Change Clinic

Name Change Clinic at the Trangender Action Group Meeting. 6pm
Angry Gay Grandpa will show his new PSA on Trans acceptance.

September 3, 11:30-1:30: Mental Health Matters

Interactive tabling event to help students prioritize ongoing mental health/wellbeing and prevent suicide. Tables will have an educational activity for students to complete as well as resources/services and mental health information.

CHEP's goal is to raise awareness about Mental Health and empower students to take action in positive mental health behaviors. Students will learn warning signs to watch out for in their peers and how to help someone they are concerned about. Mental health screenings will also take place with students being referred to supportive services. 

SMC Atrium and MPR

September 12, 6pm: Book Club @ Pocket Books

Pocket Books will host a book club on Thursday, 9/12 to discuss Sarah Sobieraj’s Credible Threat: Attacks Against Women Online and the Future of Democracy at Pocket Books, 903 Wheatland Avenue. See the attached flyer to register (it’s free, there will be refreshments) and to get a code for 10% off the book. 6pm.

This event is sponsored by the League of Women Voters, our partner in presenting Dr. Sobieraj at the Kenderdine Lecture 10/8. All are welcome. Please put it on your calendars!

Get the Book

October 3, 11am: CHEP's Purple Carnival

Thursday, October 3 from 11am-1pm in SMC Atrium 

The Purple Carnival is an interactive resource fair to educate the campus community about healthy relationships. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, with domestic violence comes several other topics that we would like to bring attention to including affirmative consent, sexual assault, reporting options and supportive services.

Register for a Table

October 8, 7pm: Kenderdine Lecture

Join us in the Winter Center for the Harriet Kenderdine Lecture at 7pm in the Biemesderfer Auditorium to hear Dr. Sarah Sobieraj discuss her work on women, politics, online environments, and democracy. 

Sarah Sobieraj is Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology. Her research focuses on US political culture, extreme incivility, digital abuse and harassment, and the mediated information environment. Her book, Credible Threat: Attacks Against Women Online and the Future of Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2020), examines the impact of identity-based digital abuse on women’s participation in social and political discourse.

Sobieraj is also the author of The Outrage Industry: Political Opinion Media and the New Incivility(Oxford University Press, 2014) with Jeff Berry, and Soundbitten: The Perils of Media-Centered Political Activism (NYU Press, 2011). She also edited (w/ D. Rohlinger) the Oxford Handbook of Digital Media Sociology (Oxford University Press, 2023), and (w/ R. Boatright, D. Young, and T. Schaffer) A Crisis of Civility?: Political Discourse and Its Discontents (Routledge, 2019).  

Sobieraj’s most recent journal articles can be found in Information, Communication & Society, Social Problems, PS: Political Science & Politics, Poetics, and Political Communication. Her work has been featured in venues such as The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, Politico, Vox, CNN, PBS, NPR, the American Prospect, National Review, The Atlantic, Pacific Standard, and Salon.

Learn More

October 19th: Student Green Dot Training

Thursday, October 19th from 4-7p.m.; Location: TBD

Greendot Training to help prevent sexual violence. Join the international movement to create safe campus cultures.

October 23, 11-1:30: Fall Into Wellness Fair

The Fall Into Wellness Fair is an event that brings together the entire Millersville campus community in an effort to educate students, faculty, and staff on the various dimensions of wellness. Tables are hosted by a variety of on-campus and off-campus organizations. Tables provide resources and educational information through interactive activities and games.

Each table at the Wellness Fair will provide information on a topic that relates to one (or more) dimension(s) of wellness such as emotional wellness, physical wellness, environmental wellness, spiritual wellness, financial wellness, occupational wellness, intellectual wellness, social wellness, and multicultural wellness. Information on disability and the ADA will also be available.

Register for a Table

October 29, 4pm: Gender Issues and the 2024 Election

In this open forum, Dr. Frederika Schmitt (Sociology) and Dr. Nivedita Baghi (Government) will share their expertise with regard to proposed political policies related to gender, including issues like no-fault divorce, women's health, and gender-affirming care.

International Women's Day 2025 Events

The President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) is planning International Women’s Day 2025 celebrations.
Student clubs/organizations, on-campus departments and programs, and community organizations are invited to table and highlight how their group embraces and promotes equity on campus. T

The International Women’s Day Theodora Talks event usually occur at the Ware Center.  Theodora Talks kick off featured guest speakers and various performing arts groups.

Questions? Email PCSW's Planning Committee member Jackie.Aliotta@millersville.edu