
Bailey - Bower-Geist - Cross - Daddezio - Devonshire - Loebig - Martin - Melck - Misel - Rivard - Shaffer - Shum

The exhibition "Pictures" is a culmination of works from the students of the Fall 2019 Studio Capstone course "ART 494: Appropriation".

VIEW THE EXHIBITION Ι 12/14 - 1/29.2020

Reception ι 1/23.2020 
Time ι 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Screening ι 5:30 pm

Gallery Hours ι  Standard business hours for Swift Gallery are Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Hours are subject to vary in accordance with University established holidays (below) and the reception, gallery talk/s or awards ceremony.

About the Exhibition ...

We currently are living in an age of Postproduction in almost every field of intellectual inquiry we are constantly churning out reedited versions of the information that we have recently consumed.

Appropriation is the use of preexisting material that have been readdressed and repurposed as a new creative endeavor.  The ideas of authorship, media, semiotics, and culture are related to and embedded in the use of appropriation.  Appropriation has been used in different manners to learn from the preexisting materials, to critique them, to destroy their original intent and to claim them as one’s own. 

Someone made these preexisting sounds, objects and images.  These items have a number of predetermined meanings that are culturally constructed products of their time.  When these products are appropriated, they retain aspects that have been coded into them by history, base materials, function, economics and geography while at the same time taking on new significance and meaning with the reuse or reinterpretation of them. 

The students in the capstone studio seminar that focused on the theme of Appropriation as it relates to Simulation, Allegory, Bricolage, the Situationist Legacy, Feminist Critique, Agitprop and Postproduction.  Studio assignments were used to encourage creative problem solving and intellectual risk taking to create a range of solutions using different artistic media.  Students were presented with challenging ideas, historical precedents, theory and contemporary artistic approaches related to appropriation.

The Artists ...

Susan Bailey 
Gail Bower-Geist 
Jamie Cross 
Lauren Daddezio 
Anna Devonshire 
Lauren Loebig 
Julia Martin  
Jess Melck 
Madison Misel 
Bob Rivard
Zach Shaffer
Michael Shum