Activate your Organization

Our Annual Process

Activate Your Org is the process that all recognized student organizations go through once a year to maintain their active status. This process includes steps such as completing the online registration on Get Involved, reflecting the current officer positions and membership roster, updating the organization governing documents, and completing the Advisor Agreement Form. Each organization’s president and one other officer are required to complete the annual training in D2L (live on August 1, 2022) and the Hazing Prevention Training (live all year round).

President’s Leadership Retreat
Each organization’s president is required to attend our (in person) President’s Leadership
Retreat. This year the retreat will be held on Saturday, August 27th from 9am-2pm on
Millersville’s campus. Registration will open on August 1, 2022.

Activate Your Org opens on April 1st, 2022. Here are the step-by-step instructions of the activation process.

 activate org