Kirsten N. Bookmiller, Ph.D.

Professor of Government, Policy, and Law | Contributing Faculty Member to the MS in Emergency Management Program | Director of Global Partnerships Initiative, Center for Disaster Research and Education

Kirsten N. Bookmiller, Ph.D.

Contact Information

Office: Fulton House, Room 203
Phone: (717) 871-7502

Fall 2024

M: 10:00-1:00 pm
T: 12:45- 1:45 pm *Zoom
W: 10:00-11:00 am *Zoom
Comments: *To participate in a Zoom meeting, please email the professor for the link to enter.

SPRING 2024 Course Offerings:

  • GOVT 251:  Intro to Global Politics
  • GOVT 351:  International Law (2 sections)
  • GOVT 356:  Disasters and Our World


  • Ph.D., University of Virginia
  • M.A., University of Virginia
  • B.A., Pennsylvania State University

Additional Education:

  • Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Humanitarian Response Intensive Course, Harvard University, 2016.
  • Seminar for Advanced Studies in Public and Private International Law, "Responding to the Challenges of Natural and Industrial Catastrophes," The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, Netherlands, 2012.

Research and Teaching Interests:

  • Humanitarian Studies
  • Disaster Law, Politics, and Policy (both international and the U.S.)
  • Global Governance
  • Human Rights and Transitional Justice

Research in Progress:

  • Book in progress, The Episodic Humanitarians: Spontaneous Volunteer and International Disaster Relief (forthcoming 2020)
  • Disaster Law in North America, Central America, and the Caribbean
  • U.S., Canadian Federalism and Disaster Management

Selected Publications:

  • North American Humanitarian Response Initiative: Multinational Legal and Policy Preparedness Scan, 2019 Update, commissioned by the American Red Cross, March 2019.
  • "International Disaster Law in Practice: North American, Central and Caribbean Region," in Guilio Bartolini, Dug Cubie, Marlies Hesselman, Jacquiline Peels (eds.), Yearbook of International Disaster Law, forthcoming 2019.
  • "The North American Humanitarian Response Initiative, Sendai and Response Preparedness," Proceedings of the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Vol. 113, forthcoming 2019.
  • "Introduction," (co-authored with Katja L.H. Samuel and Marie Aronsson-Storrier), in Katja L.H. Samuel, Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • North American Humanitarian Response Summit Project: Multinational Legal and Policy Preparedness Scan, commissioned by the American Red Cross, August 2017.
  • “International Disaster Response Law,” in Susan Breaux and Katja Samuel (eds.), Disasters and International Law, Edward Elgar, 2016.
  • “Donor Countries as Aid Recipients:  The United States and the Lessons of Hurricane Katrina,"  ” (co-authored with Robert J. Bookmiller), International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 12 (2016), pp. 263-283.
  • “Professional Standards and Legal Standard Setting:  INSARAG, FMTs, and International Disaster Relief Volunteers,” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, October 2015, pp. 957-984.
  • "The International Law of 96 Hours: Urban Search and Rescue Teams and the Current State of International Disaster Response Law," in David Caron, Michael Kelly and Anastasia Telesetsky (eds.), The International Law of Disaster Relief (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 111-135.
  • "Can International Law Save Us From Disasters? Urban Search and Rescue and Foreign Medical Teams Are Counting On It!" Proceedings of the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Vol. 108 (April 2014, pp. 173-176.
  • "Canada and the Human Security Network, 1998-2010 - RIP?" (co-authored with Robert Bookmiller), British Journal of Canadian Studies, October 2010: 23(2), pp. 247-271.
  • United Nations (New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2008).
  • "Might and Right: The U.S. and Canada and Humanitarian Interventions" (co-authored with Robert J. Bookmiller) in Robert Timko (Ed.) Representations of Canada: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Canadian Society (Volgograd University Institute for North American Studies/PA Canadian Studies Consortium, 2002), pp 73-96.
  • "Pacifism, Compassion, Anabaptism: The Mennonite Central Committee in the NGO Community," Peace and Development [a publication of the International Peace Research Assoc.], January 1997, pp. 10-24.

Professional Memberships:

  • American Society of Internationa Law
  • Academic Council on the United Nations System
  • International Studies Association
  • International Humanitarian Studies Association
  • International Association of Emergency Management