Student Learning Outcomes

Students Will:

  • Be able to demonstrate knowledge of basic facts and information relating to American government
  • Have knowledge of the nation-state system, including the military, political, economic, organizational, and legal relations among states 
  • Have the ability to analyze government and politics through an examination of different political systems, including advanced democracies and developing nations
  • Have knowledge of major political theorists and their theories  
  • Be able to demonstrate knowledge of the disciplines that constitute this interdisciplinary approach (anthropology, economics, geography, history, and political science), the regions of the world (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East), and contemporary issues and challenges facing humanity today
  • Be able to demonstrate proficiency in the development and expression of ideas in writing
  • Be able to demonstrate proficiency in prepared, purposeful presentations designed to increase knowledge, foster understanding, and promote change in the listeners’ attitudes