Undergraduate Credit-Bearing Internships

Academic Internships

What is an Academic, Credit-Bearing Internship?

A credit-bearing internship at Millersville University is a supervised opportunity to apply classroom theory to practice and it is treated like any other academic course for which students are registered to earn credit toward graduation.  Collaborative faculty supervision and mentorship from supervising professionals in the field complements classroom learning, helps students develop critical career readiness competencies, and expands the knowledge of their discipline in an intentional learning environment. 

Internship Request, Approval and Registration

Follow these steps to obtain your academic department's approval to register an internship for academic credit.

Internship Steps

Academic Internship Requirements & Deadlines

Learn more about the requirements that must be completed to earn academic credit for an internship experience.

Academic Requirements


Find out how to partner with Millersville University to recruit and hire interns.

Info for Employers