Department of Mathematics Honors And Awards

2024 Departmental Awards Winners

Class of 1866 Award: Serena J. Eberly, Maria T. Nguyen, Emily M. Riley, and Lucas R. Schwartz

Isaac F. Seiverling Award: Julia Fischer

Harry E. Canter Statistics Award: Zachary C. Barnhart

Lee E. and Laura H. Boyer Award: Emily Riley

Mathematics Faculty Award: Eric T. Then

Past winners: Class of 1866 Award, Harry E. Canter Statistics Award, Lee E. and Laura H. Boyer Award, Isaac F. Seiverling Award, Mathematics Department Faculty Award

Chair's List

A student is placed on the Mathematics Department Chair's List if that student has taken at least four courses in the mathematics department with a maintained cumulative GPA of at least 3.60 in their mathematics courses.


Zachary Barnhart
Theodora Bevan-Xenelis
Jessica Dieckman
Serena Eberly
Julia Fischer
Elizabeth Haney
Aaryanna Hughes
Kevin Knott
Emily Larry
Jalise Lopez
Jane McClelland
Malia Nauman
Dennis Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Emily Riley
Allison Scharff
Lucas Schwartz
Eric Then
Colton Whitehead

FALL 2023

Zachary Barnhart
Theodora Bevan-Xenelis
Jessica Dieckman
Serena Eberly
Elizabeth Haney
Kevin Knott
Emily Larry
Jalise Lopez
Malia Nauman
Maria Nguyen
Emily Riley
Allison Scharff
Lucas Schwartz
Eric Then



Chair's List for previous semesters

Course Honors

The Course Honors designation is reserved for students who, in the estimation of their instructor, have exhibited exemplary performance, learning and skill in a mathematics course counting toward the major degree in mathematics.


Sydney Artim: 161
Yesenmarie Baez: 256
Zachary Barnhart: 536
Grace Catalanello: 464
Suren Clark: 322
Lincoln Craddock: 311
Jessica Dieckman: 464
Adam Ditmer: 256
Elizabeth Haney: 333, 464
Timothy Lerch: 310
Jane McClelland: 310
Malia Nauman: 365, 464
Dennis Nguyen : 310
Quang Thinh Nyguyen: 211
Emily Riley: 435
Allison Scharff: 464
Lucas Schwartz: 365, 375
Thomas Van Blunk: 256
Laura Wharen: 256

FALL 2023

Samantha Barber: 161
Zachary Barnhart: 345, 365, 535
Abigail Bond: 161
Suren Clark: 311
Logan Engle: 161
Jonathan Hart: 335, 464
Noelle Henderson: 506
Josiah Kerr: 322
Thi An Le: 161
Ciara Longo: 161
Michael McCarthy: 161
Nicole Morris: 161
Colin Myers: 464
Malia Nauman: 354
Titus Nguyen: 161
Megan Quandt: 256
Emily Riley: 354
Allison Scharff: 345
Lucas Schwartz: 345, 354
Hannah Shissler: 161
Aiden Troop: 322
Mason Weller: 161



Course Honors for previous semesters