Dr. Elizabeth A. Thyrum
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Clinical and Health Psychology, Rutgers University

Contact Information
Office: Susan P. Luek Hall 120
Phone: 717-871-7278
Office Hours
M: 1:15-3:30 PM
T: 11:00-11:45 AM
W: 3:00-4:00 PM
R: 3:00-4:00 PM
Comments: Other hours by appointment; Zoom Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/2946295508
Having pursued her bachelor's degree in psychology during the mid-1980s right here at Millersville University, Dr. Thyrum feels at home teaching today's students. After achieving her undergraduate degree, she moved on to Rutgers University where she received her M.S. in Physiological Psychology, and then obtained her Ph.D. in Clinical and Health Psychology. At Millersville, the classes that she teaches include General Psychology (PSYC 100), Psychology of Drug Addiction (PSYC 311), Health Psychology (PSYC 356), Directed Projects in Psychology, and a graduate course in Biopsychology. Her research interests are in stress and coping, health behavior (smoking and exercise), cognitive functioning and physical illness (AIDS, hypertension), substance abuse, and quality of life as related to chronic illness.