Careers in Psychology

A Counseling career

Counseling psychologists try to foster and to improve normal human functioning throughout individuals' lifespan by helping them solve problems, make decisions and cope with the stresses of everyday life. Using techniques such as observation, interviewing, administering interest inventories, or other tests, counseling psychologists aid people who are coping with difficulties in a particular aspect of their lives. Their clients are not usually mentally or emotionally ill, but they are often upset, anxious, or struggling with some conflict that may be within them or in their environment. Psychologists try to foster and to improve normal human functioning throughout individuals' lifespan by helping them solve problems, make decisions and cope with the stresses of everyday life. Using techniques such as observation, interviewing, administering interest inventories, or other tests, counseling psychologists aid people who are coping with difficulties in a particular aspect of their lives. Their clients are not usually mentally or emotionally ill, but they are often upset, anxious, or struggling with some conflict that may be within them or in their environment.

Some examples of counseling would be helping individuals to stop smoking, aiding a college student in adjusting to campus life, or consulting on physical problems that might be psychologically-based. In helping people solve their problems, make decisions, and cope with everyday stresses, the counseling psychologist actually is working in preventive health. While many counseling psychologists do work in academic settings, an increasing number are employed in health care institutions, such as community mental health centers or private clinics.