Dr. Aaron M. Haines
Professor, Conservation Biology; @haines_dr (twitter)

Office Hours
M: 10am - Noon
T: 10am - Noon
W: 10am - Noon
Comments: Other office hours available by appointment.
B.S. in Forestry and Wildlife Management, Virginia Tech (1998).
M.S. in Wildlife & Range Management, Texas A&M University-Kingsville (2003).
Ph.D. in Wildlife Science, Texas A&M University-Kingsville (2006).
Courses Taught:
BIOL 100 -- General Biology LabBIOL 101 -- Principles of Biology Lab
BIOL 211 -- Concepts of Zoology
BIOL 415 -- Mammalogy
BIOL 346 -- Ornithology
BIOL 443 -- Conservation Biology
BIOL 442 -- Wildlife Ecology & Management
Areas of Specialization:
Conservation, Endangered Species, and Wildlife Biology.
Research Interests & Activities:
My professional research interests involve identifying more effective approaches to implement on the ground conservation strategies to benefit species of conservation concern. Conservation strategies may include the use of spatial models to identify priority areas in need of protection, mitigation of poaching activity, evaluation of field techniques for conservation research, and evaluation of recovery efforts for threatened and endangered species.
Student Projects:
I involve undergraduate students in my research through the Applied Conservation Lab. Please contact me if you are a Millersville Undergraduate student interested in doing conservation research.
Recent Selected Publication(s): (*undergraduate student authors)
Haines, A.M., Costante, D., Freed, C*., Achayaraj, G, Ritter, E*., Bleyer, L*., Lielbriedis, L*., Salerni, G*., Fenton, L.A.*., Achayaraj, G*., Emeric, C*., Stieha, C., Isdell, R., and Leu, M. 2004. The Impact of Invasive Alien Species on Threatened and Endangered Species: A Geographic Perspective. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1552.
Haines, A.M. 2023. Excursions for Diversity: Reaching out to Underrepresented Students with Immersive Experiences. The Wildlife Professional. November/December: 50-52.
Lombardi, J. V., Haines, A. M., Watts,G. W. III, Grassman, L. I. Jr., Janečka, J. E., Caso, A., Carvajal,S., Wardle, Z. M., Yamashita, T. J., Stasey, W. C., Branney, A.B., Scognamillo, D. G., Campbell, T. A., Young, J. H. Jr, & Tewes, M. E. 2022. Status and distribution of jaguarundi in Texas and Northeastern México: Making the case forextirpation and initiation of recovery in the United States. Ecology and Evolution 12, e8642.
Notarianni, N*. A. Haines, J. Zeyzus and J. Chenger. 2021. Acoustic bat survey kiosk for public outreach and research. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 94:60-72.
Haines, A. Leu, M, D. Costante*, T.C. Treakle*, C. Parenti*, J. Miller, J. Malcom. 2021. Benchmark for the ESA: Having a Backbone is Good for Recovery. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 10.3389/fcosc.2021.630490.
Leu, M., A. Haines, C. Check*, D. Costante*, J. Evans*, M. Hollingsworth*, I. Ritrovato*, A. Rydberg*, A. Sandercock*, K. Thomas* and T. Treakle*. 2019. Temporal Analysis of Threats Causing Species Endangerment in the U.S. Conservation Science and Policy. 1:e78.
Haines, A.M, T. Bridgehouse*, T. and G. Nussbaum*. 2018. Documenting the Longevity of an Animal Marker Hair Dye on Small Mammals. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 92:68-74.
Haines, A.M., A. M. Fetterolf*, M. G. Griffin*, T. A. Conrad* and S. M. Kennedy. 2017. Use of soil chemical analysis to detect commercial wildlife game baits. Human-Wildlife Interactions 11:208-216.
Wolfgang, A.* and A. M. Haines. 2016. Testing automated call recognition software for winter bird vocalizations. Northeastern Naturalist 23: 249-258.
Haines, A. M., S. Webb and F. Meshe*. 2016. A Survey of Wildlife Law Enforcement Needs: Nearly 40 Years Later. The Wildlife Professional. October: 34-36.
Strauser, K*. and A. M. Haines. 2014. Detection of urine-based deer lures to mitigate CWD transmission in Pennsylvania. Keystone Journal of Undergraduate Research 2:1-7.
Haines, A. M., M. Zak*, K. Hammond, J. M. Scott, D. D. Goble, and J. L. Rachlow. 2013. Uncertainty in population estimates for endangered animals and improving the recovery process. Animals:745-753.