Ms. Heather Fogell
Biology department lab technician and adjunct professor

Office Hours
M: 2-3pm
Comments: Biology Technician Duties Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm. Other office hours available by appointment.
B.S.Ed., Millersville University of Pa.
M.S., Millersville University of Pa.
BIOL 100 - General Biology
BIOL 101 - Foundations of Biology
BIOL 108 - Biology Honors Seminar
BIOL 211 - Concepts of Zoology
BIOL 473 - Methods of Teaching Biological Science
In her role as lab technician, she recruits, trains and supervises student assistants, oversees preparation and maintenance of General Biology (Bio100), Foundations of Biology (Bio101), and Cell Biology (Bio362) labs, supervises daily maintenance of department's greenhouses, animal care facilities, and aquatics rooms, maintains operating conditions of lab equipment, and serves as department webmaster. In her role as adjunct instructor, she periodically instructs lab sections of General Biology, Foundations of Biology, and Methods of Teaching Biological Science (Bio473) and presents workshops in the University's Summer Science Training Program (S.S.T.P.).