Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program
For Students with a Bachelor's Degree
Millersville University's Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program is designed for those applicants who already have a bachelor's degree and would like to be certified to teach in the State of Pennsylvania. It is not necessary to complete a second degree in order to be certified.
All students seeking their initial (first) Instructional (teaching) Certificate must be admitted to Advanced Professional Studies (APS). A minimum GPA of 2.8 or greater is required - higher test scores are needed when the GPA is under 3.0 but equal to 2.8 or greater. Information regarding APS, testing requirements and more is available on the Advanced Professional Studies (APS) Home Page.
To apply to the Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program, follow the steps outlined below.
Additional information and forms regarding the following can be found below as well.
- Intern Teacher Certification
- Request for Re-Evaluation of Course Requirements form
- Request to Take a Course at Another Institution form
Revised 2/2023
Step 1: Apply to the Program
Application must be made through the College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning for admission as a post-baccalaureate certification student. Both undergraduate and graduate courses may be taken under this program.
Step 2: Application Evaluation
After officially applying to the University, transcripts will be evaluated by the Program Coordinator. Transcripts are not evaluated prior to submission of application. Application processing times vary per program department.
Completing the Program
Information regarding general program completion and applying for certification is available on the Applying for Certification/Program Completion Home Page.
Intern Teacher Certification
Additional information regarding Intern Teacher Certification is available on the Intern Teacher Certification Home Page.
Request to Re-Evaluate Course Requirements
Use the following form when requesting that your transcripts be re-evaluated for course requirements.
Form: Request for Re-Evaluation of Course Requirements (PDF)
To Take a Course at Another Institution
Use the following form when requesting to take a course at another institution. This form is for Graduate students seeking Teacher Certification.