Course Auditing for Seniors

Millersville University offers senior citizens (aged 62 or better) the opportunity to audit online or in-person classes.

Auditors will not take examinations, write papers, or fulfill other course requirements generally associated with earning credit. One class may be audited per semester under this program.

Semesters offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer

The auditor pays the General and Tuition Technology Fees (per credit) based on undergraduate or graduate status and state residency. The tuition fee is waived for ages 62 or better. A listing of fees can be viewed on the Tuition & Fees Web page.


1)  View our available classes Web Schedule & Registration Guide | Millersville University

2)  When you find a course of interest, reach out to the faculty member listed to ask permission to audit their course. Typically, you will be able to click the faculty name on the web schedule to start an email, or use People Finder | Millersville University to look up contact information.  As a guide, refer to the email sample (PDF).

3)  Upon faculty approval, complete a Part-Time Non-Degree application Non-Degree Applications ( *Reach out to Graduate Admissions, or 717-871-4723 for application assistance. Transcripts are not required for auditing.

If you have attended Millersville University within the last 5 years but do not remember your M# or how to register, please complete the Login Information Request Form and we will get your information to you as soon as possible.

4)  Upon receipt of "..Application Has Been Processed" email, activate your accounts Activating your MU Accounts - IT Technical Assistance Center - Wiki @ MU (

5)  Send an email to from your Millersville University email account to request a tuition waiver form. It is important to use your MU email account for e-signature purposes. Include the term and course number of interest.

6)  Watch for email from Alison Wells via DocuSign and complete the form.

7)  Register for the course via Max Select Term (

Select a Term, click Submit. On "ADD/DROP CLASSES:" page, scroll down to "Add Classes Worksheet" and enter the CRN of the course from the Web Schedule & Registration Guide | Millersville University and click "Submit Changes". Check the "Current Schedule" section under Status, **Registered**... should appear.

8)  Obtain a student ID OneCard I.D. Services | Millersville University

9)  Purchase a parking permit if the course is on campus and falls within the timeframe of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Parking Division | Millersville University

10)  Monitor your MU email account close to the start date for a message from your instructor. D2L Login - Millersville University of Pennsylvania ( will be available with course content by the first day of class.

11)  Enjoy the course!

Reach out to us with any questions about the auditing process

Senior Audit Tuition Waiver Policy