
About Us

Primary responsibility for security on campus belongs to the Millersville University Police department which is part of the Student Affairs division of the University. The University uses a dual force concept, employing both commissioned police officers and noncommissioned security officers. Administrative duties of the University Police are handled the Chief and Deputy Chief who are also police officers. The administrative office is located in Boyer building which is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. A 24-hour, seven-day-a-week schedule is maintained by the University Police with an around-the-clock dispatcher system.

As a condition of employment, all police officers employed by the Millersville University Police must have completed a Basic Police Training course as required by Pennsylvania Act 120 or have completed equivalent training as approved by Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Commission or the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Academic Programs. MU police officers and security officers are required to maintain certifications and specialties in relevant fields. In addition, police officers must qualify twice a year with firearms and complete annual updates as approved by the Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Commission.

The Pennsylvania Administrative Code, Section 2416, grants full police power to commissioned police officers employed by Millersville University. Therefore, the MU Police have the power and duty to enforce order, protect life and property, make arrests as provided by law, conduct investigations, and exercise the same powers authorized for police in local municipalities. The University Police have a supportive working relationship with local, county, and state police agencies. A Mutual Aid Agreement, developed cooperatively with the Millersville Borough Police Department and SSHE legal offices, allows University Police to leave the campus to assist Borough officers and vice versa, where there are problems involving University students, and where Borough officers may be in need of aid. In addition, the University Police coordinate investigations with the Bureau of Liquor Enforcement and the Pennsylvania State Police.

Millersville University Police (under the code noted above) have primary jurisdiction on properties owned or controlled by Millersville University. In addition, under Act 24 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, MUPD and the Millersville Borough Police Department have entered into agreement to designate certain areas of legally defined concurrent jurisdiction. These include Borough properties contiguous/bordered on both sides by Millersville University grounds. Since jurisdiction on those areas is shared, MUPD officers have the same powers, immunities and benefits granted to Municipal Police officers under 42 PA.C.S. section 89.

As of February 1, 2004, PA Act 48 brought University Police under the scope of the Municipal Police Jurisdiction Act, 42 PA.C.S., Chap 89, Subchp. D., relating to Statewide municipal police jurisdiction, so that the authority of MUPD to exercise police powers off campus has been expanded to correlate with those exercised by municipal police officers throughout Pennsylvania. This Act also makes it possible for MUPD to enter into Mutual Aid Agreements with all of its surrounding police agencies.

The Millersville University Police file monthly reports with the Pennsylvania State Police which depict all offenses as listed in the F.B.I. Uniform Crime Report. Information on crimes which may impact or relate to the surrounding community, county, and state are shared directly with the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

University Police are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and are in constant communication with a University telecommunications center. The department also is in regular contact with a county-wide police radio network. All reports of criminal activity coming to the University Police are investigated and coordinated with appropriate area law enforcement agencies as needed. All criminal prosecutions for offenses taking place on the campus of Millersville University are initiated by the University Police.

In cases where actions are violations of campus policy and Commonwealth law, and the perpetrator is a student of the University, both internal and external judicial action may be taken. The associate dean for resident life will initiate disciplinary action in accordance with the University Judicial Code for violators who are members of the campus community. Internal judicial action will be initiated in addition to, not in lieu of, filing of criminal charges before the local District Justice. Complete background investigations are made on all applicants considered for appointment to the University Police department. Each background investigation consists of a Pennsylvania State Police records check, and personal contact of references. At this time, background checks for criminal activity are not made on applicants for other campus employment. No procedure for checking possible criminal records of prospective or current students is currently in use at the University.

Responsibilities of the University Police

  • Investigate all criminal and suspicious activity
  • Serve arrest and search warrants
  • Serve as Prosecutors for the Commonwealth in court
  • Enforce all criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • Enforce all University rules and regulations
  • Provide security for properties of the Commonwealth
  • Enforce Pennsylvania traffic laws
  • Administer and enforce University traffic and parking regulations
  • Investigate traffic accidents
  • Direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic
  • Provide security for special and sports events held on campus
  • Provide security to visiting dignitaries
  • Protect and serve members of the campus community and its visitors
  • Provide assistance to motorists
  • Respond to all fire, burglar and hold-up alarms, medical emergencies, bomb threats, hazardous materials incidents, fights and other disturbances and emergencies that occur on University-owned and controlled properties
  • Patrol the University campus through the use of marked police vehicles, unmarked vehicles, plain-clothes details, foot patrols and bicycle patrols