Frequently Asked Questions
Can I drive down a one-way street on campus if I'm just going a short distance and its late at night?
No. Traffic Regulations at Millersville University, just like traffic regulations everywhere in Pennsylvania, are in effect 24 hours a day, all year. They don't make traffic signs that say "One Way (except if its late at night and no one is around)." Please be mindful that all Pennsylvania laws, including traffic and parking statutes, are in effect -and enforceable- around the clock, around the year.
What are the fines and points for breaking traffic laws on MU campus?
Fines and points can vary depending upon the Pennsylvania regulation being violated, and not all traffic violations are assessed points. Stop by the station and pick up a PA Fines and Points schedule to find out exactly what the points are for the different traffic violations they apply to. Or check out the information on this site: Traffic Laws (not a government site)
Why do you have to enforce traffic laws on campus?
For the same reason that traffic laws are enforced everywhere else; safety. Safety is certainly why we are here. Vehicles with faulty equipment are unsafe to their drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Safe driving speeds are necessary in an area with such a high concentration of pedestrians, and at night when visibility is limited. Millersville University places a premium concern on the safety of its students and community, and traffic safety is part of the package.
Sometimes I see the University Police driving on Millersville Borough roads. Do you enforce traffic regulations on those roads?
It depends. As of December 2003, Act 48 brought University Police under the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Jurisdiction Act. This Act broadened the scope of our employment, and jurisdictional authority. Currently, the University Police and the Millersville Borough police have designated areas of joint jurisdiction on those roadways that are contiguous to campus properties, and the University Police can and do enforce traffic regulations on those contiguous roadways for the safety of the Millersville University Community. There are also certain circumstances in other cases where a University Police officer may have to enforce traffic regulations outside of the primary jurisdiction of Millersville University.
How many police or security officers are on duty?
It can vary from 2-10+ officers at any time, depending upon anticipated activity or events that are taking place. In addition, University Police officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our organization is holding an event on campus, and its fairly large. Can we bring in our own security people?
The responsibility for safety and security on properties that are owned or controlled by Millersville University belongs to the officers of the Millersville University Police Department. These officers are represented by the Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) a labor organization. Any safety, security or related work has to be offered to the members first and the members exhausted, before the SPFPA can agree to any outside security. Contact the Millersville University Police Department if you believe your event will need any type of security.
How do I request the Police to unlock a building for me or my event?
University Police can not permit access to any facility without prior hard copy approval from the University person(s) directly responsible for the facility. Also, there are some areas where the University Police will not permit any type of access, and other arrangements with the University would have to be made.
My Law Enforcement agency is conducting a police contact/arrest employment background check on an applicant for my agency. How do i obtain a records check?
For Law Enforcement employment background checks, you must have a waiver from the applicant and the request on your department's letterhead or from your department email address.
Please contact the department's Records administrator Steve Figueroa by sending the request to You can also request this information in person at the MU police department during office hours (8am - 4pm Monday through Friday).
I'm not a student. I'm an alumnus / staff member / faculty member /visitor / parent / citizen of a foreign country / governor of another state / member of the press / other. Do PA laws and University regulations apply to me if I'm not a student? Can you still cite me for traffic violations? Can you still arrest me?
Yes, yes, and yes
Emergency Call Boxes
There are currently over 40 emergency Blue Light phones posted in various key locations on and around campus. Find...