September 2020

 Dr. Ankur Nandedkar

1. What innovative practice did you incorporate into your classroom? 

 I use many innovative practices in the classroom, but the common theme among all practices is that they actively involve students in the learning process. One of my favorites is the use of an application called Socrative. It allows instructors to create quizzes that students can take on smartphones, tablets or laptops. This application is excellent for formative assessment.


2. When did you implement the new practice into your classroom?

 I have been using this practice for about two years.


3. Did the students willingly accept the use of the new practice?

 Yes! Students enjoy using technology and some of them are even addicted to their electronic devices. So, I decided to implement the practice, which can create a win-win situation!! I like integrating technology in my courses and my students get an opportunity to use their devices in a productive way!


4. How has the use of the new practice positively affected the classroom learning environment? What were the reactions of the students? 

The use of Socrative has enhanced student learning in my classes. I use Socrative in multiple ways to keep things fresh and interesting. As a result, students not only get feedback from me, but also work in teams to learn from each other. Several students have personally approached me to appreciate the practice and have said that the class was memorable for them.


5. How has the use of the new practice affected student engagement in the classroom and the level of participation? 

 Students are actively involved in the learning process and benefit from the instant feedback they get in the classroom. This helps them understand the parts of the lesson they need to work on, and as an instructor, I receive feedback about the areas in the lesson that I need to review in class again to enhance student comprehension.  

 The participation in class is almost 100% because the students who usually don’t speak in the class discussions can use their devices to connect with Socrative and answer my questions.


6. What challenges did you encounter when you were implementing the new practice? 

      As with any new technology, there are challenges.   I had to learn how to effectively use this application in my class because it can be used in many ways. In addition, I have to constantly keep myself abreast of the updates that are introduced in the application.


7. How did attending Camp IDEA or a CAE Professional Development session contribute to your learning and use of the innovative practice? 

 I am a regular participant and presenter in the CAE professional development sessions and strongly believe these sessions encourage a dialogue among attendees, so they can learn from each other and enhance student learning in their courses.