Department of Earth Sciences

Field Experience

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Field Experience    

Samantha Reynolds Discusses 2022 CBFS Experience

At the Chincoteague Bay Field Stations this summer, I collected water samples from the rosette attached to the CTD on the RV Fay Slover. We collected data on temperature, salinity, depth, and many other parameters with the CTD in the Chesapeake Bay. The data we collected was used in comparison with data we collected from the Chincoteague Bay to write a report discussing the differences between the two Bays. 

We caught a whelk snail during a benthic trawl in Tom's Cove. The data collected during the four benthic trawls was used to help determine how healthy the ecosystem is. Other organisms caught included juvenile spot fish, ctenophores, a brief squid, croakers, and many others.