Department of Earth Sciences
Why Attend Millersville University?

Millersville University of Pennsylvania features a nationally recognized meteorology program with over 100 students. Located in scenic Lancaster County, the University's beautiful campus is home to approximately 7,500 students. Millersville Meteorology is an institutional member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and an academic affiliate of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
In Fall 1999, the meteorology program moved into a new "penthouse" facility atop the Science and Technology Building. The 7,000 square feet dedicated to meteorology includes a large weather station (with rooftop terrace) and four teaching and research labs. The program's four tenure-track faculty and two staff members are also located on the top floor of this facility.
Our students have 24/7 access to the Meteorological Network (METNET) and Weather Information Center. Many students (of all semester standing) participate in our Campus Weather Service, issuing approximately 20 forecasts per week to the University and local community. Juniors and seniors are frequently involved in research and internships with a variety of business partners.
Our graduates are diversely employed, some going onto careers in education, administration, and research. Many continue on to pursue advanced degrees at major research institutions, work for government agencies or begin careers in the private sector. More than half our graduates work in operational forecasting--just a few of their employers include The Weather Channel, Accu-Weather, Weather Services Corporation, and numerous branches of the National Weather Service. Several of grads work as on-air meteorologists at TV stations across the U.S.
How to prepare for studies in Meteorology while in high school.

Meteorology is a rigorous curriculum that involves advanced math and science skills. As a student of meteorology, you will take 18 credit hours of math and 10 credit hours of physics--therefore, the greater your exposure to math and science in high school, the better prepared you will be in pursuing your degree. It is suggested that you take at least pre-calculus and physics in high school; though, completion of an AP calculus and AP physics is ideal.
- Take a Virtual Tour of Millersville University.
- View UCAR's Aspiring Scientists, a guide for prospective students of the Earth Sciences.
We encourage you to further explore our meteorology web site. For more information or to schedule a tour of our facility, please email or call 717-871-4359.
Contact Us
Department of Earth Sciences
Phone: 717-871-4359