Celebrate Strings, Piano and Chamber Music 2025!

Celebrate Strings, Piano and Chamber Music

The Tell School of Music is excited to announce it's annual Celebrate Strings, Piano and Chamber Music event for 2025! This event is scheduled for February 22nd, 2025 and will showcase a captivating performance by our MU Faculty and Guest Artists, and offer a platform for students and music enthusiasts to engage in faculty and student performances, masterclasses, workshops, campus tours, and much more. 

As part of the celebration, Millersville University is also proud to introduce the Jean M. Romig Violin and Viola Scholarship, an initiative that pays homage to the late Jean Marie Romig. A distinguished violinist and former strings faculty member at Millersville University, Jean Romig's passion for the violin and music left an enduring impact on students and colleagues alike. Her legacy continues through the "Jean M. Romig Violin and Viola Scholarship in memory of Karl and Pauline Romig," which she generously established with a bequest of $900,000. 

Registration information will be released soon! Please contact us at the music.secretary@millersville.edu for more information regarding registration.

Contact Information

For more information and for any questions, contact Dr. Xun Pan:

  • Email: Xun.Pan@millersville.edu