Professional Development
Learning Opportunities for Student Employees
Professional development is the process of enhancing skills and knowledge while you are on the job. Professional development can include training classes, attending workshops and conferences, or earning a certificate that you can include on your resume. Employers expect the college graduates they hire to possess a well-developed set of career-readiness skills. The Career Center offers student employees a number of opportunities to develop and enhance these skills.
Professional Development Workshop Series
Student employees are invited to enhance their career readiness skills by participating in our spring workshop series. Each interactive workshop focuses on building your competency in a specific career readiness skill area. Attend one or all five, it's up to you!
Complete all five workshops to earn a “Student Employee STEP UP” Certificate (Student Training for Employment Preparation & University Professionalism).
Wednesday Workshops
Room 118, McNairy Library & Learning Forum
To reserve your spot, click on the links below to register using Handshake. A light meal will be served. Space is limited.
Wednesday, February 19th
Career Readiness Skill - Professionalism
Wednesday, February 26th
Career Readiness Skill - Critical Thinking
Wednesday, March 26th
Career Readiness Skill - Communication
Wednesday, April 9th
Career Readiness Skill - Teamwork
Wednesday, April 23rd
Career Readiness Skill - Leadership
Earn a Career Ready Certificate!
Student employees are invited to enhance their skills by completing the Career Ready Guide, a self-paced, online program based on the 8 Career Readiness Competencies established by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). The Guide offers a series of 9 modules and takes approximately 3-4 hours to complete. Upon successful completion you will receive a Certificate of Completion.
The Career Ready Guide:
• builds your self-awareness and development of career-readiness skills
• empowers your ability to talk to prospective employers about your career competencies
• bolsters your confidence on the job
• drives your personal and professional growth
Complete and submit this Registration Form to get started! Spots are limited!
Here's what MU student employees are saying about the Guide:
"I am more confident about understanding the qualities that employers are looking for. Each competency ties into another, showing that it is crucial to be a well-rounded individual." - Brenna Z.
"I am more confident in a corporate setting. Being able to articulate the things I learned will make me sound more put together and professional." - Klair W.