Dual Enrollment Students

What is dual enrollment? 

Dual enrollment provides qualified high school students with the opportunity to earn college credits while still enrolled in high school. Millersville’s program is primarily on-campus, with occasional offerings for online courses. Students enrolled in dual enrollment should be prepared to perform at the same level, and with the same expectations, of college students. High school students will often not be “identified” on-campus as high school students and should expect to show the same level of responsibility as our full time students. This includes managing their daily schedule, keeping up with a course syllabus, utilizing campus resources (many of which can be found here), and reaching out to professors if they need assistance.


What are the dual enrollment guidelines?

  • Students should be juniors or seniors in high school.
  • Students should have exhausted all or most of the academically challenging coursework offered by their high school.
  • Students should at least meet, or preferably exceed, typical admissions guidelines.
    • Recommended criteria for the current year are:
      • Grades B or better (approximate GPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Students should submit an electronic application for Dual Enrollment (Paper applications are no longer accepted).
  • Students must select courses from the approved course list. Students should only apply for courses they would like to enroll in. 

How much does it cost?

Millersville charges a reduced rate to students attending one of our partner schools (check with your school counselor for more information). Dual enrolled students receive 50% off the tuition and are charged the university’s per-credit technology fee. For students not attending a partner school, the full tuition rate and fees will be charged.

Please see the Office of Student Accounts website for the estimated tuition costs.