Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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Pennsylvania College of Technology / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Pennsylvania College of Technology Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ABC 181 Auto Graphics Does Not Transfer
ACC 112 Accounting 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 113 Intro to Financial Accounting BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 123 Intro to Managerial Accounting BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 331 Income Taxation of Indiv BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACH 101 Introduction to Architecture Does Not Transfer
ACH 111 Architectural Graphics ITEC 241 Drafting Communications
ACH 112 Architectural History ART 3X2 Architectural History G1
ACH 115 Computer Aided Drafting 1 ITEC 342 Cmptr-Aided Engineering Drawng
ACH 116 Intro to Computer Aided Design ITEC 1X6 Intro to Computer Aided Design
ACH 117 Basic Architectural Drawing ITEC 1X7 Basic Architectural Drawing
ACH 119 Building Materials 1 ITEC 331 Construction Technology 1
ACH 120 Building Materials 1 ITEC 1X2 Buildings Materials 1
ACH 122 Site Design ITEC 1X1 Site Design
ACH 125 Computer Aided Drafting 2 ITEC 1X5 Computer Aided Drafting 2
ACH 126 Architectural Drawing Applicat ITEC 1X5 Architectural Drawing Applicat
ACH 128 Working Drawings 1 - Residenti ITEC 1X2 Working Drawings 1 - Residenti
ACH 129 Building Materials 2 ITEC 332 Construction Technology 2
ACH 236 Architectural Design 1 ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing
ACH 237 Working Drawings - Commercial Does Not Transfer
ACH 238 Introduction to 3D Modeling ITEC 2X8 Introduction to 3D Modeling
ACH 240 Environmental Systems ITEC 2X4 Environmental Systems
ACH 241 Codes, Specifications & Estima Does Not Transfer
ACH 243 Structural Principles ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
ACH 262 Sustain: Building & Liv Green ITEC 2X2 Sustain: Building & Liv Green
AMT 109 Automotive Electrical Fundamen ITEC 1X9 Automotice Electrical Fundamen
AMT 110 Ford Automotive Fundamentals Does Not Transfer
AMT 120 Ford Automotive Electrical Sys Does Not Transfer
AMT 121 Automotive Fuel & Emiss Contro ITEC 1X1 Automotive Fuel & Emiss Contro
AMT 122 Engine Principles ITEC 1XX Engine Principles
AMT 126 Engine Electrical Systems ITEC 12X Engine Electrical Systems
AMT 130 Ford Automotive Engines, Diagn Does Not Transfer
AMT 141 Ford Vehicle Heating & Air Con Does Not Transfer
AMT 146 Ford Automotive Electronics & Does Not Transfer
AMT 150 Toyota Dlrshp Internshp Does Not Transfer
AMT 161 Ford Dealership Internship 2 Does Not Transfer
AMT 162 Ford Dealership Internship 3 Does Not Transfer
AMT 163 Ford Dealership Internship 4 Does Not Transfer
AMT 210 Ford Steering, Suspension & Br Does Not Transfer
AMT 220 Ford Engine Management Systems Does Not Transfer
AMT 235 Engine Service Does Not Transfer
AMT 236 Engine Performance Does Not Transfer
AMT 238 Emissions Inspection Does Not Transfer
AMT 239 Engine Repair and Overhaul Does Not Transfer
AMT 243 Auto Chassis & Wheel Service Does Not Transfer
AMT 264 Powertrain Electronics ITEC 2X4 Powertrain Electronics
AMT 266 Engine Repair ITEC 2X6 Engine Repair
AMT 267 Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Tech ITEC 2XX Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Tech
AMT 273 Powertrain Computer Systems Does Not Transfer
AMT 274 Automotive Air Conditioning Sy Does Not Transfer
AMT 275 Automotive Electrical Accessor Does Not Transfer
AMT 2993 Toyota Special Topics Does Not Transfer
ANT 113 Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ARH 102 Basic Architectural Drafting ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing
ART 102 Two-Dimensional Design ART 142 Design 1 G1
ART 104 Visual Literacy for Design DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills
ART 106 Two Dimensional Design ART 142 Design 1 G1
ART 108 Color ART 1XX Color
ART 109 Design and Color ART 1XX Design and Color G1
ART 122 Painting ART 352 Painting 1
ART 125 Ancient to 15th Century ART 301 The Ancient World G1
ART 135 Art Hist 16th thru 20th Centur ART 312 Survey of Art History G1
ART 140 Ceramics ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 145 History of Graphic Design ART 1XX History of Graphic Design
ART 180 Drawing ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 202 Intro to Three-Dimensional Des ART 242 Design 2
ART 210 Introduction to Graphic Design ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 225 Type Design 1 ART 2XX Type Design 1
ART 233 Introduction to Art ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ART 235 Type Design 2 ART 2XX Type Design 2
ART 255 Introduction to Computer Graph ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design
ART 260 Introduction to Computer Graph ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design
ART 275 Computer Graphics II CSCI 1X1 Computer Graphics II
ART 2993 Art / Arch - Antiquity in Rome ART 302 The Italian Renaissance G1
ART 310 Grphic Desgn:Point of Purchase ART 3X1 Grphic Desgn:Point of Purchase
ART 340 Illustration DESN 375 Illustration
ART 360 Graphic Design For The Web ART 3X2 Graphic Design For The Web
AVI 100 Aviation Practices 1 Does Not Transfer
AVI 105 Aviation Practices 2 Does Not Transfer
AVI 110 Aviation Fundamentals 1 Does Not Transfer
AVI 115 Aviation Fundamentals 2 Does Not Transfer
AVI 120 Aviation Science 1 Does Not Transfer
AVI 125 Aviation Basic Electricity 1 Does Not Transfer
AVI 130 Aviation Science 2 Does Not Transfer
AVI 135 Aviation Basic Electricity 2 Does Not Transfer
AVI 140 Aircraft Reciprocating Engines Does Not Transfer
AVI 145 Aviation Turbine Engines Does Not Transfer
AVI 150 Aircraft Engine Fuel Metering Does Not Transfer
AVI 155 Aircraft Engine Ignition Syste Does Not Transfer
AVI 160 Aircraft Engine Systems Does Not Transfer
AVI 165 Engine Electrical Systems Does Not Transfer
AVI 170 Aircraft Engine Troubleshootin Does Not Transfer
AVI 200 Vintage Aircraft Structures Does Not Transfer
AVI 205 Sheet Metal Aircraft Structure Does Not Transfer
AVI 210 Composite Aircraft Structures Does Not Transfer
AVI 215 Airframe Systems 1 Does Not Transfer
AVI 220 Airframe Systems 2 Does Not Transfer
AVI 225 Rotary Wing Systems & Maintena Does Not Transfer
AVI 230 Advanced Aircraft Electrical S Does Not Transfer
AVI 235 Aircraft Electronic & Instrume Does Not Transfer
AVI 240 Aircraft Inspection Does Not Transfer
BCM 103 Constructn & Prgm Orientation UNIV 103 First Yr:Constrtn & Prgm
BCM 105 Mat & Meth of Construction I ITEC 331 Construction Technology 1
BCM 115 Drafting & Planning ITEC 241 Drafting Communications
BCM 125 Mat & Meth of Construction II ITEC 332 Construction Technology 2
BCM 1992 Construction Documents ITEC 1X9 Construction Documents
BCM 199A Basic Construction Safety OSEH 1X9 Basic Construction Safety
BCT 102 Construction Safety and Equipm Does Not Transfer
BCT 103 Construction Hand/Power Tools Does Not Transfer
BCT 109 Framing Principles ITEC 335 Construction Technology
BCT 117 Construction Mat & Appl 1 ITEC 3XX Construction Mat & Appl 1
BCT 119 Blueprint Reading and Specific ITEC 3XX Blueprint Rdg & Specs
BCT 127 Roof Framing and Exterior Fini ITEC 3XX Roof Framing and Exterior Fini
BCT 128 Building Materials Application ITEC 1X8 Building Materials Application
BCT 238 Concrete Construction Does Not Transfer
BCT 255 Construction Estimating ITEC 3X1 Construction Estimating
BCT 256 Residential Construction Plann ITEC 3X2 Residential construction Plann
BCT 257 Interior Finish and Trim ITEC 3X3 Interior Finish and Trim
BCT 258 Computer Applications for Cons ITEC 3X4 Computer Applications for Cons
BCT 260 Intro to Electrical & Mech Sys ITEC 2XX Intro to Electrical & Mech Sys
BEM 101 Intro to Emerg Management Oper EHEM 201 Intro to Emergency Mgmt G3
BEM 103 Hist & Evolution Emerg Mgmt EHEM 1X3 Hist & Evolution Emerg Mgmt
BEM 201 Incident Command Syst Operatio EHEM 2XX Incident Command Syst Operatio
BEM 202 Emerg, Disaster, Catastrophes EHEM 2X2 Emerg, Disaster, Catastrophes
BEM 210 Disaster Preparation & Plannin EHEM 21X Disaster Preparation & Plannin
BEM 230 Disaster Recovery EHEM 309 Disaster Response & Recovery
BEM 250 Spatial Analysis Emerg Mgmt EHEM 2X5 Spatial Analysis Emerg Mgmt
BEM 265 Soc/Psyc Found of Emerg Mgmt EHEM 26X Soc/Psyc Found of Emerg Mgmt
BEM 311 Tech Elements Emerg Mgmt EHEM 3XX Tech Elements Emerg Mgmt
BEM 450 Emergency Mgmt Internship EHEM 4X5 Emergency Mgmt Internship
BID 110 Intro to Industrial Design ITEC 11X Intro to Industrial Design
BIM 120 Social Media in Business/Soc COMM 2X2 Social Media in Business/Soc G1
BIO 103 Human Anat & Physlgy Survey BIOL 204 Human Biology G2, W
BIO 108 Principles of Biology I BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 109 Principles of Biology II BIOL 1X2 Principles of Biology II G2, L
BIO 111 Basic Botany BIOL 1XX Basic Botany G2
BIO 115 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 BIOL 15X Human Anatomy and Physiology 1
BIO 125 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 BIOL 16X Human Anatomy and Physiology 2
BIO 201 Microbiology BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology
BIO 213 Human Cellular and Molecular B BIOL 2X3 Human Cellular and Molecular B G2
BIO 220 General Biology I BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology G2, L
BWM 150 Intro to Web Page Development CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming G2
CAD 116 Introduction to 2D CAD ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting
CAD 118 CAD - Comprehensive 2D Applica ITEC 1X8 CAD - Comprehensive 2D Applica
CAD 119 3D CAD and Parametric Modeling ITEC 1X9 3D CAD and Parametric Modeling
CAD 126 Advanced 2D CAD ITEC 1X1 Advanced 2D CAD
CAD 247 CAD Management & Customization ITEC 4X1 CAD Management & Customization
CCD 101 Technical Drawing 1 ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
CCD 102 Detailing 1 ITEC 1XX Detailing 1
CCD 121 Technical Drawing 2 ITEC 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng
CCD 122 Detailing 2 ITEC 1X2 Detailing 2
CCD 244 Electrical & Electronic Drawin ITEC 4X2 Electrical & Electronic Drawin
CCM 140 Woodworking - Art, Craft and D ITEC 1X4 Woodworking - Art, Craft and D
CET 101 Intro to Surveying Civil Eng AENG 1XX Intro to Surveying Civil Eng
CET 120 Erosion Control/Storm Mgmt GEOG 1X9 Erosion Control/Storm Mgmt
CET 150 Computer Applications CivilEng AENG 1X0 Computer Applications CivilEng
CET 199 Surveying for Civil Eng AENG 1X9 Surveying for Civil Eng
CET 230 Statics AENG 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
CET 234 Highway Engineering AENG 2X4 Highway Engineering
CET 238 Origin Distrib & Behav Soils GEOG 2X8 Origin Distrib & Behav Soils
CET 263 Geo Info Sys & Photogrammetry GEOG 296 GIS II: Raster Data Analysis
CET 299 Erosion Control/Storm Mgmt GEOG 2X9 Erosion Control/Storm Mgmt
CHM 100 Fundamentals of Chemistry CHEM 1X1 Fundamentals of Chemistry G2, L
CHM 108 Chemistry Survey CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 110 Chemistry for Health Sciences Does Not Transfer
CHM 111 General Chemistry I CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 123 Introductory Organic & Biochem CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 211 Organic Chemistry I Lab Does Not Transfer
CIM 222 Robotic Applications AENG 425 Industrial Robotic Systems
CIM 227 Material Handling/Fluid Power AENG 326 Fluid Power
CIT 112 Introduction to Gaming/Simulat CSCI 11X Intro to Gaming/Simulation
CIT 114 Gaming /Simulation Design I CSCI 14X Gaming/Simulation Design 1
CIT 122 Interactive 3D Modeling ITEC 1X2 Interactive 3D Modeling
CIT 150 Introduction to Web Page Devel CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming G2
CIT 160 Introduction to Programming CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CIT 170 Intro to Networking & Tech Sup CSCI 1XX Intro to Networking & Tech Sup
CIT 171 Introduction to Networking CSCI 1X1 Introduction to Networking
CIT 180 Introduction to Database CSCI 18X Introduction to Database
CIT 230 Fund of Information Security CSCI 415 Computer and Network Security
CIT 240 Intro to UNIX/Linux CSCI 2X4 Intro to UNIX/Linux
CIT 246 System Analysis I CSCI 2X6 System Analysis I
CIT 260 Programming II CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CIT 280 Database Development CSCI 466 Database Management Systems
CIT 351 Web Systems and Technologies CSCI 3X1 Web Systems and Technologies
CSC 102 Intro to Microcomputers CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CSC 104 Microcomputer Fundamentals CSCI 1XX Microcomputer Fundamentals G2
CSC 108 Intro to Computer Programming CSCI 1XX Intro to Computer Programming G2
CSC 110 Introduction to Information Te CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CSC 124 Information, Technology & Soci CSCI 1X4 Information, Technology & Soci G2
CSC 128 COBOL Programming 1 CSCI 1X1 COBOL Programming 1 G2
CSC 140 Problem Solving with Elementar CSCI 1X2 Problem Solving w Elementar G2
CSC 150 Introduction to Web Page Devel CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming G2
CSC 161 Computer Programming 1 CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CSC 211 Business Comp Appls Spreadsht CSCI 2X1 Bus Comp Appls Spreadsheet
CSC 221 Business Comp Appls Database CSCI 2X1 Business Comp Appls Database G2
CSC 250 Creating Web Applications CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming G2
CSC 262 Computer Programming 2 CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CSC 271 Network Administration CSCI 2X1 Network Administration
CSC 273 Network Interconnection CSCI 2X3 Network Interconnection
DEN 110 Dental Terminology Does Not Transfer
DSM 108 Tools, Hardware & Failure Anl Does Not Transfer
DSM 120 Basic Electricity ITEC 261 Electrical Electronics 1
DSM 139 Hydraulic Components ITEC 326 Fluid Power
DSM 274 Equipment Maintenance Manageme Does Not Transfer
DSM 283 Specialized Hydraulics ITEC 4XX Specialized Hydraulics
ECO 111 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECO 112 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
EDT 110 Technical Drawing and Print Re ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
EDU 100 Child Development EDUC 1XX Child Development
EDU 101 Introduction to Early lChildho ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
EDU 111 Intro to Education EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDU 121 Children's & Young Adult Liter EDUC 333 Children's Literature
EDU 125 Method/Material Early Child 1 ELED 1XX Method/Material Early Child 1
EDU 130 American Sign Language I HMFA 1X3 American Sign Language I G1
EDU 201 Health, Safety, & Nutrition fo WELL 352 Health Ed in Elem School WELL
EDU 210 Observation & Communication wi EDUC 2XX Observation & Communication wi
EDU 211 Observ/Assessmnt Young Child ERCH 2X1 Observ/Assessmnt Young Child
EDU 225 Method/Material Early Child 2 EDUC 2XX Method/Material Early Child 2
EDU 230 Young Child with Special Needs SPED 2XX Young Child with Special Needs
EDU 256 Early Childhood Practicum EDUC 305 Field Experience
EDU 262 Language Arts in Echd Educ ERCH 421 Lang Devel and Emergent Litrcy W
EDU 264 Anti-Bias Curriculum EDUC 2X4 Anti-Bias Curriculum
EDU 266 Thinking Skills/Math & Science EDUC 2XX Thinking Skills/Math & Science
EDU 267 Enhancing Self-Concept Early C EDUC 2XX Enhancing Self-Concept Early C
EDU 268 Method/Material Infant/Toddler ELED 312 Seminar: Pre-Kindergarten
EET 105 Microcomputer Maintenance Does Not Transfer
EET 110 DC - AC Basics ITEC 1X1 DC - AC Basics
EET 111 DC - AC Measurements Does Not Transfer
EET 112 Introduction to Solid State De ITEC 1X2 Introduction to Solid State De
EET 113 Solid State Devices Applicatio Does Not Transfer
EET 116 Electronic Circuit & Devices 1 ITEC 261 Electrical Electronics 1
EET 118 Intro to Engineering Technolog Does Not Transfer
EET 124 Engineer, Technology, Society ITEC 301 Technology and Humans P
EET 145 Networking I CSCI 1X5 Networking I
EET 150 DC - AC Circuit Analysis ITEC 1X5 DC - AC Circuit Analysis
EET 151 Advanced DC-AC Circuit Applica Does Not Transfer
EET 152 Intermediate Solid State Devic ITEC 1X2 Intermediate Solid State Devic
EET 153 Intermediate Devices Applicati Does Not Transfer
EET 156 Electronic Circuit & Devices 2 ITEC 262 Electronic Systems 2
EET 158 Software Tools for the Enginee Does Not Transfer
EET 202 Microprocessor Interfacing Does Not Transfer
EET 203 Microprocessor Applications 2 Does Not Transfer
EET 204 Network Installation & Mainten Does Not Transfer
EET 205 Network Maintenance Laboratory Does Not Transfer
EET 209 Systems Troubleshooting Applic Does Not Transfer
EET 220 Cisco Systems 1 Does Not Transfer
EET 221 Cisco Systems Applications 1 Does Not Transfer
EET 222 Cisco Systems 2 Does Not Transfer
EET 223 Cisco Systems Applications 2 Does Not Transfer
EET 230 Laser Optic Device & System 1 Does Not Transfer
EET 231 Laser Optic Device & Syst Appl Does Not Transfer
EET 240 Introduction to Computer Maint Does Not Transfer
EET 244 Robotics & Automated Systems ITEC 425 Industrial Robotic Systems
EET 252 Intermediate Sensing & Control ITEC 427 Programmable Logic Controllers
EET 256 Motion Control ITEC 4XX Motion Control
EET 271 Seminar in Nanofabrication Pro Does Not Transfer
EET 272 Mat, Safe & Equip for Nanofabr NFMT 311 Matls,Safty,Hlth Issues, Equip
EET 273 Basic Nanofabrication Process NFMT 312 Basic Processes
EET 274 Thin Films in Nanofabrication NFMT 313 Thin Film Utilization
EET 275 Adanced Lithography & Pattern NFMT 314 Lithography
EET 276 Materials Modification in Nano NFMT 315 Materials Modification
EET 277 Character, Packaging & Testing NFMT 316 Characterizatn,Packing,Testing
EET 302 Industrial Electronics & Appli ITEC 4XX Industrial Electronics & Appli
EET 320 Measurement and Tests Does Not Transfer
EET 321 Measurement and Tests Lab Does Not Transfer
EET 330 Cisco Systems 3 Does Not Transfer
EET 332 Cisco Systems 4 Does Not Transfer
EET 340 Control Theory Does Not Transfer
EET 400 Digital Signal Processing Does Not Transfer
EET 401 Digital Signal Processing Lab Does Not Transfer
EET 420 Senior Electronic Colloquium Does Not Transfer
ELT 100 Topics in Construction Safety OSEH 1XX Topics in Construction Safety
ELT 110 Electricity for the Trades ITEC 1X1 Electricity for the Trades
ELT 113 Accident Prevention OSEH 120 Fund of Safety,Hlth,Env Issues G3
ELT 116 Construction Lab I - Residenti ITEC 331 Construction Technology 1
ELT 120 Construction Lab II Commercial AENG 332 Construction Technology 2
ELT 128 Electrical Drawing and Print R ITEC 1X8 Electrical Drawing and Print R
ELT 229 Process Control Basics AENG 262 Semiconductor Electronics
ELT 235 Industrial Electronics AENG 262 Semiconductor Electronics
ELT 244 Advanced Electrical Theory AENG 2X4 Advanced Electrical Theory
ELT 249 PLC Input/Output Devices AENG 427 Programmable Logic Controllers
ENL 001 Basic English Does Not Transfer
ENL 010 Communications Does Not Transfer
ENL 111 English Composition 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENL 121 English Composition 2 ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENL 201 Technical/Prof Communication ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
ENL 202 Fundamentals of Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
ENL 240 Early American Literature ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENL 252 Women in Literature ENGL 2X5 Women in Literature
ENL 270 American Comedy ENGL 2X7 American Comedy
ENV 125 State & Federal Environ Regula OSEH 1X5 State & Federal Environ Regula
ENV 135 Air Pollution Control ESCI 1X5 Air Pollution Control
ENV 151 Source Reduction & Industrial OSEH 1X1 Source Reduction & Industrial
ENV 161 Water Pollution and Treatment OSEH 1X6 Water Pollution and Treatment
ENV 170 Sampling and Analysis OSEH 1X7 Sampling and Analysis
ENV 201 Waste and Waste Disposal OSEH 2X1 Waste and Waste Disposal
ENV 221 Environmental Compliance Plans OSEH 2X2 Environmental Compliance Plans
ESL 100 ESL Orientation Lab Does Not Transfer
ESL 180 ESL Grammar Level 4 Does Not Transfer
ESL 185 ESL Writing Level 4 Does Not Transfer
ESL 191 ESL Reading Level 4 Does Not Transfer
ESL 195 ESL Vocabulary Level 4 Does Not Transfer
FHD 142 Professional Table Service Does Not Transfer
FHD 160 Travel and Tourism Does Not Transfer
FHD 220 Hospitality Beverage Mgmt Does Not Transfer
FHD 278 Professional Event Planning Does Not Transfer
FHD 404 Hospitality Systems Mgmt Does Not Transfer
FIN 305 Fund Financial Planning BUAD 3XX Fund Financial Planning
FIT 109 Tennis / Table Tennis WELL 1XX Tennis / Table Tennis WELL
FIT 111 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
FIT 142 Badminton / Volleyball WELL 1XX Badminton / Volleyball WELL
FIT 151 Volleyball WELL 1XX Volleyball WELL
FIT 170 Step Aerobic WELL 1XX Step Aerobic WELL
FIT 172 Weight Training WELL 1XX Weight Training WELL
FIT 173 Aerobic Cross Training WELL 1X3 Aerobic Cross Training WELL
FIT 174 Free Weight Training WELL 1XX Free Weight Training WELL
FIT 175 Basic Fitness Training WELL 1XX Basic Fitness Training WELL
FIT 176 Shotokan Karate WELL 1X6 Shotokan Karate
FIT 178 Group Fitness Training WELL 1X1 Group Fitness Training WELL
FIT 182 Intro to Scuba Diving WELL 1X2 Intro to Scuba Diving WELL
FIT 183 Fitness Nutrition WELL 175 Wellness WELL
FIT 190 Personal Fitness WELL 1XX Personal Fitness WELL
FIT 192 Walking and Physical Fitness WELL 1XX Walking and Physical Fitness WELL
FIT 201 Personal & Community Health WELL 175 Wellness WELL
FIT 203 Personal & Comm Health WELL 175 Wellness WELL
FIT 204 First Aid, Responding to Emerg WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
FIT 205 Coping with Stress WELL 2X5 Coping with Stress WELL
FIT 207 Choices: Wellness for Life WELL 175 Wellness WELL
FIT 299 Group Fitness Training WELL 1X9 Group Fitness Training WELL
FIT 2991 Shotokan Karate WELL 1XX Shotokan Karate WELL
FYE 101 First Year Experience UNIV 1X1 First Year Experience
GEL 105 Physical Geology ESCI 221 Physical Geology G2, L
GEO 111 Intro Cultural Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
HEO 100 Tools, Hardware & Basic Safety ITEC 1X2 Tools, Hardware & Basic Safety
HEO 110 Diesel Engine Systems ITEC 1X1 Diesel Engine Systems
HEO 111 Diesel Engine Fund & Maintnce ITEC 1X1 Diesel Engine Fund & Maintnce
HEO 120 Site Engineering and Layout Does Not Transfer
HEO 130 Site Modification Does Not Transfer
HEO 131 Earthwork Site Modification Does Not Transfer
HEO 140 Machine Electronics ITEC 1X4 Machine Electronics
HEO 141 Heavy Equip Electrical Systems ITEC 1X4 Heavy Equip Electrical Systems
HEO 150 Powertrain & Related Systems ITEC 1X5 Powertrain & Related Systems
HEO 152 Intro Heavy Duty Pwrtrn & Brk ITEC 1X5 Intro Heavy Duty Pwrtrn & Brk
HEO 160 GPS for Field Machines Does Not Transfer
HEO 161 GPS for Earthmoving Does Not Transfer
HEO 170 Hydraulics for Operators ITEC 1X7 Hydraulics for Operators
HEO 171 Hydraulics for Operators ITEC 1X7 Hydraulics for Operators
HEO 180 Safe Op Procedures for Hvy Eqp OSEH 1X8 Safe Op Procedures for Hvy Eqp
HEO 181 Safe Op Techniques for Hvy Eqp ITEC 1X8 Safe Op Techniques for Hvy Eqp
HEO 201 Earthmoving Blueprints & Grd S ITEC 2X1 Earthmoving Blueprints & Grd S
HEO 202 Blueprints & Grd S for Earthwk ITEC 2X2 Blueprints & Grd S for Earthwk
HEO 210 Operations of Track Tp Tractor Does Not Transfer
HEO 211 Bulldzr & Trkloader Operation Does Not Transfer
HEO 220 Operations of Trenching Equipm Does Not Transfer
HEO 230 Operation of Haul Truck and Fi Does Not Transfer
HEO 231 Haul Trk & Final Grd Equip Op Does Not Transfer
HEO 240 Construction Management Safety OSEH 2X4 Construction Management Safety
HEO 250 Quarry Operation Does Not Transfer
HIS 115 World Civilization 1 HIST 206 The World to 1500 G3
HIS 125 World Civilization 2 HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIS 126 World History II HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIS 135 United States Survey to 1877 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIS 136 US States Survey To 1877 HIST 1X6 US State Survey To 1877 G3
HIS 145 US Survey since 1877 HIST 1X5 US Survey since 1877 G3
HIS 146 US from 1877-Present HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIS 262 Technology and Society HIST 2XX Technology and Society G3
HIS 280 United States Labor History HIST 2X8 United States Labor History G3
HIS 299 Modernity & Its Critics HIST 2X9 Modernity & Its Critics
HIS 310 Historical Investigation HIST 105 The Craft of History
HIS 335 US Constitutional & Legal Hist HIST 3X3 US Constitutional & Legal Hist G3
HIST 299A American Radical Tradition HIST 2X1 American Radical Tradition
HIT 110 Health Care Content & Structur Does Not Transfer
HIT 120 Computers in Health Care Does Not Transfer
HIT 121 Intro to Info Tech in Hlth Car Does Not Transfer
HIT 128 Princ of Pharma For Hlth Info Does Not Transfer
HIT 210 Health Care Statistical Data Does Not Transfer
HIT 220 Health Care Quality Improvemen Does Not Transfer
HIT 225 Intro to ICD-9-CM Coding Does Not Transfer
HIT 226 Intro to CPT Coding Does Not Transfer
HIT 232 Adv Coding and Reimbursement Does Not Transfer
HIT 240 Health Info Internship I Does Not Transfer
HIT 241 Health Info Internship II Does Not Transfer
HIT 250 Health Information Mgmt Does Not Transfer
HIT 255 Certification Exam Prep Does Not Transfer
HIT 315 Clin Issues in Health Informat Does Not Transfer
HIT 320 Managing Privacy/Security Does Not Transfer
HRM 300 Human Resource Mgmt BUAD 2XX Human Resource Mgmt
HSJ 255 Internship I Does Not Transfer
HSJ 263 Criminal Justice SOCY 2X6 Criminal Justice G3
HSR 115 Introduction to Human Services SOWK 202 Social Welfare as Social Inst
HSR 120 Intro to Helping Skills & Proc SOWK 1XX Intro to Helping Skills & Proc
HSR 121 Helping Process and Crisis Int SOWK 1XX Helping Process and Crisis Int
HSR 125 Fundamentals of Counseling PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies
HSR 210 Culturally Sensitive Human Ser SOWK 2XX Culturally Sensitive Human Ser
HSR 221 Crisis Intervention SOWK 2X1 Crisis Intervention
HSR 225 Counseling Theories and Techni SOWK 2X5 Counseling Theories and Techni
HSR 240 Management and Administration SOWK 2X1 Management and Administration
HSR 241 Group Processes PSYC 234 Human Relations G3
HSR 255 Human Services Internship I SOWK 2X5 Human Services Internship I
HSR 260 Chemical Dependence: Treat & M PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction G3, W
HSR 261 Families in Crisis SOWK 2X1 Families in Crisis
HSR 263 Criminal Justice SOWK 304 Social Work and Corrections
HSR 264 Children's Services SOWK 305 Social Work and Child Welfare
HSR 269 Psychiatric Rehabilitation PSYC 269 Psychiatric Rehabilitation
HSR 270 Community Inclusion for People SOWK 2XX Comm Inclusion Disabled People
HSR 275 Serving & Surviving in the Hum SOWK 2X2 Serving & Surviving in the Hum
HSR 311 Community & Organztnl Change SOWK 3XX Community & Organztnl Change
HTH 100 Introduction to Health Careers Does Not Transfer
HTH 115 Pathology & Disease I Does Not Transfer
HTH 125 Pathology & Disease II Does Not Transfer
HTH 308 Intro to Community Health SOWK 307 Social Work and Health Care
HTH 310 Health Issues & Transitions WELL 1X3 Health Issues & Transitions
HTH 312 Alt & Complementary Meds Does Not Transfer
HTH 325 Health Care Delivery System Does Not Transfer
HTH 330 Medical Ethics PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine G1
HTH 332 Quality Assurance for Hlth Wrk Does Not Transfer
HTH 333 Human Cadaver Anatomy Does Not Transfer
HTH 373 Collaborative Health Care Does Not Transfer
HTH 415 Intro to Global Health INTL 4X5 Intro to Global Health
HTH 447 Health & Human Services Public SOWK 4X7 Health & Human Services Public
HTH 494 Senior Capstone Proposal Does Not Transfer
HTH 496 Senior Capstone Does Not Transfer
HUM 299 Business Through Fiction ENGL 2XX Business Through Fiction G1
LAS 110 Business Organization Law BUAD 302 Organzations and Transactions
LAS 150 Legal Research & Writing ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
LAS 245 Legal Aspects of Health Inform Does Not Transfer
LAS 250 Criminal Law & Procedures SOCY 2X5 Criminal Law & Procedures
MCM 111 Introduction to Mass Communica COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
MCM 120 News Writing ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
MCM 121 Principles of Advertising BUAD 335 Advertising
MCM 122 Media and Law COMM 206 Communication and Media Law
MCM 133 Radio Station Operatn/Prodctn COMM 320 Radio Production
MCM 136 Introduction to Video Productn COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video
MCM 152 Introduction to Cinema ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1
MCM 222 Electronic Journalism COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting
MCM 232 Radio Programming/Management Does Not Transfer
MCM 236 Digital Media Editing ITEC 3X2 Digital Media Editing
MCM 243 Public Relations COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
MCM 244 Adv Media Writing ENGL 2X4 Adv Media Writing G1
MCM 250 Internship COMM 2X5 Internship
MET 220 Mechanical Power Transmission AENG 2X2 Mechanical Power Transmission
MET 230 Mechatronic Sys Maintenance AENG 2X3 Mechatronic Sys Maintenance
MET 311 Computer Solutions of Eng Prob ITEC 3X7 Computer Solutions of Eng Prob
MGT 105 Introduction to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
MGT 110 Principles of Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
MGT 115 Principles of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGT 215 Intro to Business Analysis BUAD 2X5 Intro to Business Analysis
MGT 216 International Business BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
MGT 230 Business Communications BUAD 2X1 Business Communications
MGT 231 Business Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
MGT 232 Project Management BUAD 2X4 Project Management
MGT 248 Supervision and Human Relation BUAD 2XX Supervision & Human Rltns
MGT 249 Small Business Management BUAD 356 Small Business Management
MGT 301 Business Law I BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
MGT 315 Business Ethics BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
MGT 340 Human Resource Management BUAD 2X2 Human Resource Management
MGT 380 Organizational Theory and Desi BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MIS 110 Intro to Management Informatio BUAD 207 Information Science
MKT 240 Principles of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 243 Sales BUAD 333 Personal Selling
MKT 325 Consumer Behavior BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
MKT 330 Advertising BUAD 335 Advertising
MSC 106 Introduction to Metallurgy ITEC 281 Metallic Materials
MTH 001 Arithmetic Does Not Transfer
MTH 002 Basic Algebra Does Not Transfer
MTH 004 Pre-Algebra Does Not Transfer
MTH 005 Elementary Algebra 1 Does Not Transfer
MTH 006 Elementary Algebra 2 Does Not Transfer
MTH 008 Elementary Algebra II Does Not Transfer
MTH 103 College Algebra/Trig I MATH 101 College Algebra
MTH 112 Business Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MTH 113 Business Mathematics MATH 1XX Business Mathematics G2
MTH 120 Technical Algebra and Trigonom MATH 110 Trigonometry
MTH 123 Technical Algebra & Trig I MATH 110 Trigonometry
MTH 124 Tech Algebra & Trigonometry 1 MATH 110 Trigonometry
MTH 125 Tech Algebra and Trig MATH 1X5 Tech Algebra and Trig
MTH 150 Intro to Mathematics 1 MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MTH 151 Structures of Mathematics MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MTH 153 Topics in Mathematics MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MTH 157 Business Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MTH 158 Elementary Statistics 1 MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MTH 159 Statistics for Hlth & Behav Sc MATH 234 Statistics for Health Sciences G2
MTH 160 Elementary Statistics with Com MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MTH 172 Introduction to Geometry MATH 1X2 Introduction to Geometry
MTH 180 College Algebra/Trigonometry 1 MATH 110 Trigonometry
MTH 182 College Algebra/Trigonometry 2 MATH 101 College Algebra
MTH 190 Pre-Calculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MTH 240 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MTH 242 Calculus II MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MTR 100 Medical Terminology Survey Does Not Transfer
MTR 104 Basics of Medical Terminology BIOL 1X4 Basics of Medical Terminology
MTT 104 Manufacturing Procs & Tlmkng ITEC 1X4 Manufacturing Procs & Tlmkng
MTT 106 Manufacturing Processes Survey ITEC 1X6 Manufacturing Processes Survey
MTT 211 Manufacturing Materials & Proc ITEC 130 Prod Materials and Process
MUS 111 Introduction to Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
NUR 155 Intro Practical Nurs Concepts Does Not Transfer
NUR 156 Fund of Practical Nurs Does Not Transfer
NUR 158 Adult Health Nursing I Does Not Transfer
NUR 165 Nurs Care Adults I Does Not Transfer
NUR 168 Adult Health Nursing II Does Not Transfer
NUR 175 Nurs Care of Adults II Does Not Transfer
NUR 176 Maternal Child Health Nurs Does Not Transfer
NUR 177 Maternal/Newborn Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 178 Adult Health Nursing III Does Not Transfer
NUR 179 Child Health Nursing Concepts Does Not Transfer
NUR 184 Adult Med-Surg Nurs I Does Not Transfer
NUR 188 Adult Med-Surg Nursing I Does Not Transfer
NUR 204 Intro to Professional Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 205 Perspective on Aging Does Not Transfer
NUR 214 Adult Med-Surg Nurs II Does Not Transfer
NUR 219 Adult Med-Surg Nursing II Does Not Transfer
NUR 223 Transitions in Reg Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 226 Adult Med-Surg Nursing III Does Not Transfer
NUR 229 Adult Med-Surg Nurs III Does Not Transfer
NUR 232 Fundamentals of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 270 Childbearing Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 271 Nursing Care of Children Does Not Transfer
NUR 272 Psychosocial Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 274 Topics in Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 282 Psychosocial Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 283 Topics for Nursing Practice Does Not Transfer
NUR 284 Essentials of Pharmacology I Does Not Transfer
NUR 285 Essentials of Pharmacology II Does Not Transfer
NUR 287 Essentials of Pharmacology Does Not Transfer
NUR 288 Health Assessment Does Not Transfer
OFT 101 Keyboarding & Its Applications Does Not Transfer
OFT 111 Keyboarding and Formatting Does Not Transfer
OIT 101 Keyboarding and Its Applicatio Does Not Transfer
OIT 210 Word and Information Processin Does Not Transfer
OIT 214 Desktop Publishing ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing W
OIT 240 Advance Info Technology Apps CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
ORN 001 Orientation UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
PCT 299 Penn College Transitions UNIV 2XX Penn College Transitions
PED 169 Aerobic Dance WELL 1XX Aerobic Dance WELL
PED 201 Personal/Comm Health Does Not Transfer
PED 202 Red Cross Standard 1st Aid WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
PFS 125 Principles of Movement WELL 1X5 Principles of Movement
PFS 150 Group Excercise Program Srvy WELL 15X Group Exercise Program Srvy WELL
PFS 170 Specialist Resistance Training WELL 17X Specialist Resistance Training WELL
PFS 175 Group Fitness Leader Training WELL 1X5 Group Fitness Leader Training WELL
PFS 210 Fitness and Wellness: Behavior WELL 175 Wellness WELL
PFS 211 Lifestyle Behavior Modificatio WSSD 2X1 Lifestyle Behavior Modificatio
PFS 212 Intro to Chiropr Exer Rehab Does Not Transfer
PFS 213 Behavior Mod Strategies WSSD 2X3 Behavior Mod Strategies
PFS 214 Fitness Testing/Interpretation WSSD 21X Fitness Testing/Interpretation
PFS 215 Physical Fitness Screening & A WELL 1XX Physical Fitness Screening & A WELL
PFS 217 Cardiovascular Programming Does Not Transfer
PFS 220 Organ/Ldrshp of Fitness Prgrms WSSD 22X Organ/Ldrshp of Fitness Prgrms
PFS 225 Fundamentals of Human Performa WSSD 2XX Fund of Human Performa
PFS 226 Intro to Personal Training WSSD 22X Intro to Personal Training
PFS 232 Fitness Mgmt:Theory/Applicatn WSSD 23X Fitness Mgmt:Theory/Applicatn
PFS 234 Exer Prescription for Spec Pop Does Not Transfer
PFS 235 Fun of Musculoskeletal Mvmt WSSD 2X5 Fun of Musculoskeletal Mvmt
PFS 250 Professional Fieldwork Does Not Transfer
PHA 310 Hist Taking & Interview Techn Does Not Transfer
PHA 327 Clinical Procedures I
PHA 328 Physical Assessment I
PHL 110 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHL 111 Introduction to Philosophy Ana PHIL 341 Philosophical Analysis G1, W
PHL 210 Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHL 220 Social And Political Philosoph PHIL 407 Political and Social Philosphy G1
PHL 299 Environmental Ethics PHIL 2X9 Environmental Ethics G1
PHO 101 Black and White Photography ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
PHO 150 Digital Photography ART 376 Intro to Photo: Digital G1
PHO 220 Photojournalism ART 2XX Photojournalism
PHO 230 Commercial Photography ART 2X1 Commercial Photography
PHO 250 Intro to Digital Photography ART 2XX Intro to Digital Photography
PHS 103 Physics Survey PHYS 1XX Physics Survey G2
PHS 114 Physics with Technological App PHYS 1XX Physics w/Tech Applics G2, L
PHS 115 College Physics 1 PHYS 131 Physics 1 G2, L
PHS 201 General Physics 1 PHYS 231 General Physics 1 L, G2
PHS 202 General Physics 2 PHYS 232 General Physics 2 G2, L
PMP 122 Emergency Medical Technician Does Not Transfer
PMP 134 Airway Mgmt/Assess for Paramed Does Not Transfer
PMP 135 Ops/Rescue Practices Paramedic Does Not Transfer
PMP 139 Intro Clinical Practicum Does Not Transfer
PMP 243 Path/Pharm for Paramedic Does Not Transfer
PMP 247 Pulmo/Cardio for Paramedic Does Not Transfer
PMP 249 Intermediate Clinical Practicu Does Not Transfer
PMP 253 Med Emergencies for Paramedic Does Not Transfer
PMP 254 OB/Peds for the Paramedic Does Not Transfer
PMP 256 Trauma/Behavioral for Paramedi Does Not Transfer
PMP 259 Advanced Clinial Practicum Does Not Transfer
PMP 269 Summative Clinical Practicum Does Not Transfer
PMP 279 Appl Research in Pre-Hosp Med Does Not Transfer
PNP 110 Intro to Printing & Publish Pr Does Not Transfer
PNP 111 Intro to Graphic Comm Industry DESN 1X1 Intro to Graphic Comm Industry
PNP 114 Electronic Typography ART 244 Typography
PNP 122 Digital Systems for Graphic Im ITEC 3XX Digital Systems for Graphic Im
PNP 123 Digital Imaging 1 ART 1XX Digital Imaging 1
PNP 125 Page Layout and Design ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing W
PNP 127 Applied Typography and Design ART 244 Typography 2
PNP 128 PreMedia I Does Not Transfer
PNP 134 Electronic Publishing & Design ITEC 1X4 Electronic Publishing & Design
PNP 136 Packaging and Product Design ART 2X6 Packaging and Product Design
PNP 210 Digital Imaging 2 ART 2XX Digital Imaging 2
PNP 212 Screen Printing ITEC 3X1 Screen Printing
PNP 214 PreMedia II Does Not Transfer
PNP 215 Flexography ITEC 3X3 Flexography
PNP 220 Output Workflow ITEC 3X4 Output Workflow
PNP 232 Finishing and Distribution ITEC 3XX Finishing and Distribution
PNP 234 Advanced Offset Lithography ITEC 3XX Advanced Offset Lithography
PNP 252 Producition Printing ITEC 3X5 Production Printing
PPT 115 The Plastics Industry ITEC 1X5 The Plastics Industry
PPT 118 Polymer Processing Survey ITEC 1X8 Polymer Processing Survey
PPT 119 Polymer Processing Survey Lab Does Not Transfer
PPT 120 Polymer Processing Survey ITEC 2XX Polymer Processing Survey
PPT 128 Plastics and Elastomers ITEC 1X8 Plastics and Elastomers
PPT 129 Poylmer Testing Lab Does Not Transfer
PPT 140 Sustainable Materials ITEC 1X4 Sustainable Materials
PPT 160 Composites & Nanocomposites ITEC 1X6 Composites & Nanocomposites
PPT 220 Tooling Maintenance ITEC 2X2 Tooling Maintenance
PPT 235 Injection Molding ITEC 2X5 Injection Molding
PPT 248 Extrusion ITEC 2X8 Extrusion
PPT 251 Blow Molding ITEC 2X1 Blow Molding
PPT 270 Thermoforming ITEC 2X7 Thermoforming
PSC 131 American National Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PSC 231 American Government -- Natnl PSCI 111 Intro to American Government G3
PSC 241 State & Local Government GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PSC 261 International Relations GOVT 2X6 International Relations G3
PSC 402 Terrorism, Civil War, Genocide GOVT 4X2 Terrorism, Civil War, Genocide
PSY 111 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 201 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 203 Developmental Psychology PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 210 Child Psychology PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSY 225 Psych Disorders of Childhood PSYC 2X5 Psych Disorders of Childhood
PSY 231 Educational Psychology PSYC 2X1 Educational Psychology
PSY 266 Gerontology amd Aging GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology G3
RAD 101 Radiog Anatomy & Positioning I Does Not Transfer
RAD 102 Princ of Radiographic Exposure Does Not Transfer
RAD 103 Radiograp Ethics & Orientation Does Not Transfer
RAD 105 Radiography Practicum I Does Not Transfer
RAD 106 Intro to Radiographic Image Does Not Transfer
RDG 001 Reading Improvement Does Not Transfer
RDG 111 College Reading, Reason & Stud Does Not Transfer
RET 117 Basic Wiring Applications I AENG 1X1 Basic Wiring Applications I
RET 121 Basic Wiring Applications II AENG 1X2 Basic Wiring Applications II
SAF 110 Occupational Health and Safety OSEH 120 Fund of Safety,Hlth,Env Issues G3
SCI 100 Environmental Science BIOL 1XX Environmental Science G2
SCI 101 Intro to Forensic Science SCMA 1X1 Intro to Forensic Science G2
SCI 111 Weather and Climate ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
SCI 155 Introduction to Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
SCI 170 Introduction to Physical Scien PHYS 1XX Introduction to Physical Scien G2, L
SCI 260 Biology and Modern Society BIOL 2X6 Biology and Modern Society G2
SCI 299 Weather and Climate ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
SEM 305 Sport Management WSSD 3X5 Sport Management
SGT 107 App/Tech of Surg Asepsis & Ins Does Not Transfer
SGT 109 Surgical Technology Practice I Does Not Transfer
SGT 111 Intro Surg Tech Patient Care Does Not Transfer
SGT 116 General Surgical Procedures Does Not Transfer
SGT 120 Surgical Tech Practice II Does Not Transfer
SGT 130 Pharma for Surgical Tech Does Not Transfer
SGT 206 Specialty Procedures I Does Not Transfer
SGT 210 Specialty Procedures II Does Not Transfer
SGT 211 Surgical Tech Practice III Does Not Transfer
SGT 221 Surgical Tech Practice IV Does Not Transfer
SGT 225 Prof Relations & Current Topic Does Not Transfer
SGT 230 Surg Tech Practice V Does Not Transfer
SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 231 Marriage and the Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 232 Sociol of Relationships & Marr SOCY 2X3 Sociol of Relatnsh/Marriage G3
SOC 242 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
SOC 299A Cultural Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
SOC 321 Ethnicity, Class, and Status SOCY 319 Social Stratification G3, W
SPA 111 Beginning Spanish 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPA 121 Beginning Spanish 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPC 101 Fundamentals of Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPC 102 Fund of Small Group Comm COMM 203 Small Group Communication G1, D, W
SPC 201 Interpersonal Communication COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
SPC 299 Intercultural Communication COMM 430 Culture and Semiotics of Comm P
SPN 180 Fitness Nutrition WELL 18X Fitness Nutrition
SPN 224 Nutrition for Special Populatn WSSD 2X4 Nutrition for Special Populatn
SPN 228 Nutrition for Athlete/Bodybldr WSSD 2X8 Nutrition for Athlete/Bodybldr
WEL 100 Introduction to Welding Proces Does Not Transfer
WEL 101 Acetylene/Electric Welding Does Not Transfer

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