Language Placement
All students seeking to take an initial language class other than at the Elementary I level (101) will need to complete the language placement registration. Students who would like to take an Intermediate language class (201/202) or higher as well as all incoming students with a Language and Culture Studies major or minor will then take an online language placement test.
The placement exam is a short test to determine the level of proficiency in the language. The beginning course of enrollment will be advised based on the test score. You will be able to take it online from home. Please complete the online placement form which will come back to the department; we will then contact you via e-mail with a password and the link to the placement test.
Please note, students who wish to take a foreign language at the 101 or 102 elementary level do not need to take the placement exam. If you've had 0-1 year of the language in high school, we recommend that you sign up for 101; with 2 years of language study, we recommend that you register for 102. If you are interested in placement at the Elementary 102 level, please complete the online placement form requesting placement at that level based on your previous language experience. Your request will be reviewed and you will be contacted via email with a response to your request.
Register for Language Placement
If you have any further questions, email