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One Day Give returns on Thursday, February 20, 2025!
Give to what you love during One Day Give! Join us as we celebrate the Tradition and Transformation that epitomizes Millersville University. Your support honors the history that guides a forward-looking vision for MU students.
One Day Give offers an opportunity to make a lasting impact by supporting students through a single day of online giving. Create a scholarship, initiate a matching gift, support a student organization – there are so many ways to give back! Your ripples of generosity provide transformative opportunities that foster student success on Millersville's campus and beyond.
Watch as Dr. Wubah reveals the 2025 limited edition sock design. Exclusive for alumni, faculty, and staff!
Check out the FAQs about One Day Give for more information.
Help support Millersville students by spreading the word about One Day Give on social media.
Explore the variety of challenges and matches that help your dollars go further.
Your contribution allows our students to focus on their studies and acquire the skills they need to succeed after graduation.
Receive exclusive access to a virtual chat with one of Millersville’s distinguished retired faculty members.
Experience the excitement on campus at four One Day Give Celebration Stations.
Plan to support your favorite athletic team and help them race to the top spot.
Thanks to the overwhelming support from the entire Millersville University community, One Day Give 2024 on February 14, 2024, achieved record-breaking success, resulting in a total of $826,634 from 2,276 gifts during the 24-hour online giving event!
This outstanding One Day Give fundraising accomplishment sets an all-time record for the highest fundraising total in the eleven-year history of the event!
With your tremendous contributions of gifts of all sizes, you are creating “ripples of generosity” that make a lasting impact in the lives of Millersville University students.
Thank you for an exceptional One Day Give celebration of “giving to what you love” at Millersville University!
Your Generosity Made a Positive Impact for Millersville University Students!
With your support, $582,465 was raised from 2,026 gifts!
Your generous support has made a valuable difference for Millersville University students during One Day Give -- through the many gracious contributions from the Millersville University community!
We are truly grateful for everyone who participated by "giving to what you love" and for the overwhelming support during the 10th Annual One Day Give event!
The Millersville community truly showed their
‘Ville pride today. Thank you so much for supporting students through scholarships, athletics, and so much more! Your generosity is truly inspiring.
We raised $743,839 with 2,139 gifts!
Your support helped One Day Give soar to new heights with a new one-day fundraising record, and we share our deepest gratitude for your gifts and continued enthusiasm.
Congratulations to all of our athletics teams for an amazing showing on the Athletics Giving Leaderboard!
Thank you for supporting student success at Millersville University! We are truly overwhelmed by your generosity during Millersville University's One Day Give!
We raised $608,738 with 2,720 gifts!
We share our sincere appreciation for your gifts and involvement throughout the day. One Day Give is an important event, and your contributions have created a phenomenal day of support for our students!
Congratulations to all of our athletics teams for an amazing showing on the Athletics Giving Leaderboard!